Fawn Leibowitz

I know - I'm sure my employers wish I were as focused in my efforts on their behalf!

Subsection 4 is an exception to the law for law enforcement and correctional institutions to be able to take photos and video for security or investigative purposes. Interestingly, consent is not defined (at least not there - I didn't look at other parts of Nevada law), it may be situational.

Ha! Exactly!

I agree (and for the record, I am a lawyer). It would be up to a judge or jury to hear evidence about how the pictures were actually taken and who knew what and all that. But I can't imagine that Harry or the royal family are going to press charges.

so Ten Imps, you were right about the reasonable expectation of privacy being the legal standard, but I think a court would probably find that he gave up that expectation.

No - because they were not invited into the bathroom and took the photo without your knowing it. That would be a clear invasion of privacy. But in Harry's case, he was naked in a roomful of people that he had invited in with him, and the pictures don't appear to have been taken secretly - they're full-on shots by

I have no idea what the law is in Nevada, but the whole "reasonable expectation of privacy" concept is one that applies to searches and seizures by the government, not to pictures taken by private citizens who are in a place that they have been invited to be in. In many states, it is perfectly legal for private

He invited a bunch of random star-fuckers into his suite in Vegas and got nekkid with them without making them check their cell phones at the door. He should know better than that. I'm not saying he deserved it, because if he wants to party like the royal rock star he is, more power to him, but he needs to be

High doses of birth control pills after intercourse can function the same way as the morning after pill.

Um, isn't Elizabeth McGovern (the Countess of Grantham) American? I like Downton Abbey, but Fellowes's comments are silly.

She should lose custody for spelling the kid's name "Madisyn."

Really?? Wow. If someone wanted my actual diploma (which I received 25 years ago), I would be screwed.

Agreed. And seeing Kristen Bell on any talk show but Craig Ferguson's makes me feel awkward, like she's cheating on him or something.

Agreed. Patty LuPone is the only Eva for me.

Get out!

It doesn't reinforce a hurtful stereotype. It reinforces the concept that anyone, no matter their fitness level, can get out there and be an athlete. That's a good thing, not "badvertising" in the slightest.

I disagree that the ad promotes body shaming or the notion that "fat = lazy" or teaches 11-year-olds to begin obsessing about their weight "without taking responsibility for the root causes ourselves." I'm not sure what that even means — that we can't teach and encourage kids to develop good exercise and fitness

Thank you!! That was such a bizarre straw-man type of comment.

"Time trial of loading the skis onto the Subaru" — hee!

Ooooh... I read it a few months ago, but it didn't occur to me to get the audiobook. Yummy. I adore him beyond all sense.