Fawn Leibowitz

Hah! That must mess with the heads of the door-to-door salespeople or fundraisers that happen to stop at her house!

Thank you. I though Kimmel was (mostly) funny, but the "Chris Christie is a big fat lardass" jokes (and by my count, there were at least 3) were mean and not funny.

"two-dimensional sheet of hate folded like origami to approximate the form of a human" = bravo. Love it.

The swastika is also very common in northern Indian art and architechture - it was an important symbol in Aryan culture. But as a Jew, it was still very unsettling to me to see it on all these ancient buildings when I was in India, and I certainly would not decorate with swastikas as an homage to ancient Indian

And lip gloss. Still, she's stunning.

I'd vote for that ticket. But only if Amy reprises her Sarah Palin rap on the campaign trail.

Excellent choice. He is scrumptious.

Good point.

I thought the point of that scene was to reveal the "pact" between Peggy and Ken, and how much they respect each other. I can't see Peggy telling Roger - that's totally a Pete thing to do.

Good for you. Good luck and here's to looking beautifully healthy on your wedding day!

People are crazy. Feeding tubes? What about just eating better and exercising? You order a dress far enough in advance to be able to get in shape sensibly, so I don't understand the need to lose 10 pounds in 10 days or whatever. When I purchased my (non-strapless) gown, the fitter told me that if I lost a few

According to the website, there is an adhesive strip that is heat activated. In the "how to" section, one of the instructions is to use a blow dryer to increase the adhesive.

Agreed. That outfit looks cheap and it stumpifies her.

I've always wondered that as well. She's so smart and seems like such a sane, rational person, but her continued friendship with Gibson, when he is so horrid, baffles me.

Thank you for pointing that out (re how it would be impossible for the Torah to talk about killing Christians when the Torah deals with a time when there were no Christians). Clearly, in addition to being a repulsive human being, Gibson is also a moron and a religious zealot with a tenuous (if any grasp) on the texts

I've never been a huge fan of his on Glee, but that is an amazing performance of an amazing song. Great vocal control, phrasing and stage presence. I'm impressed.


That's what I think as well. She's lost weight, the pic is at a different angle, and she's got better makeup.

And there's the rub. It's not that I have a problem with the general message, or of the right of the messengers to get it out there. My problem is that with the hardcore breastfeeding advocates, their target audience tends to be women at their most vulnerable - new mothers, and especially first-time mothers, are