Fawn Leibowitz

This isn't about the rights of advocacy groups to promote their message. It's about women who are already exhausted and vulnerable being pressured and berated about their choices about how to raise their children. And no, she didn't just take my "no thanks" and move on — they rarely do. She continued to try to push

Ugh. This kind of shit drives me INSANE. I was unable to breastfeed and was highly appreciative of the free samples in the hospital. But even if I had simply decided for whatever reason that I didn't want to breastfeed, it's nobody else's business. And honestly, when I had my second kid and knew that breastfeeding

I wouldn't worry about it. Just listen to your doctor and your own judgment. If you want information about development or whatever, [] is reasonable (and I'm sure there are a million other websites like it).

"Hillgasm"! LOVE.

I had breast reduction surgery a couple of years before I had kids, and knew that the odds of being able to breasfeed were 50/50 at best. So I figured, I'll give it a shot, if I can do it, great, if I can't, oh well, at least I tried. I tried, quickly realized it was going to be a bust (sorry, couldn't resist), and

$400 in 1966 was about the equivalent of $2600 today. So, fuck yeah, Peggy. And Roger really needs to stop carrying so much cash around.

I was bummed when I wasn't able to breastfeed either of my children because my milk ducts didn't work properly. Now I see it was a blessing.

Amen. I have very dark brown/almost black hair, and I started going grey when I was 21. I'm now 42, and have no intention of giving in to the grey. Maybe some day, but I'm just not there yet.

This made me giggle. And as the parent of 2 little monkeys who clamor for ice cream, sometimes they get it, sometimes they don't. But it really isn't that big of a deal.

Agreed. And I think another big part of it is that she is genuinely incredibly talented and genuinely a lovely person. She's sweet and funny and accessible and does wonderful things for her community - people know that about her and love her for it. So who cares what she's wearing, especially when she's having so