I think we can dismiss the abortion possibility pretty readily. Not only is it very late in the pregnancy for her to have one legally, but if she has a bleeding disorder, I doubt an abortion would be any safer than a planned C-section.
I think we can dismiss the abortion possibility pretty readily. Not only is it very late in the pregnancy for her to have one legally, but if she has a bleeding disorder, I doubt an abortion would be any safer than a planned C-section.
But how would schedule a c-section without seeing her? Unless she lied about all the doctor visits? Not taking issue with you...this is just confusing, period.
Abortion hurts butterflies? Wow, those people really are confused.
Modern-day Joseph Smith.
I reply “thousands of sperm and you were the fastest?” and shake my head in disbelief.
“I saw this huge billboard that said: ‘Abortion Hurts’ and then it had a drawing of a butterfly. Who is that for? Is there a lady who’s going to see that and be like, ‘Oh, I was going to get an abortion but now that I realize it hurts I guess I’ll just give birth to a child. ‘Cause I know that’s painless and raising…
I was pro-choice before I got pregnant, but pregnancy really cemented my belief that access to free and safe abortions is one of the most important issues today. NO ONE should have to go through a pregnancy if they don’t want to. People who say “put the baby up for adoption if you don’t want it” can go fuck…
They are under the impression all us pro-choice women do a blood oath pinky ritual where we pledge that if we ever get pregnant we will abort without question. No regards are given to circumstance, age, if the partner is willing to be involved, education, finances or just flat out our fucking choice. Nope, we must…
I always chuckle when they use the phrase “believe in” about abortion, being homosexual, etc... I always want to say, I don’t think it matters if you believe in abortion. It exists. It’s not faith-based.
I would certainly choose marmosets over pro-life activists.
Also, if any of our mothers hadn’t chosen life, we wouldn’t be around to regret our non-existence.
True story. My sister once raised money to save the Brazilian Rain Forest despite the fact that she’s not, in fact, a marmoset.
How much more wanted and loved they will feel when she tells them that they were chosen, that they are alive because she chose not to kill them.
My resident FB right winger said I should be happy my mother chose life. He didn’t understand that I was a planned Clomid-induced baby.
Yeah, it’s like “yo either you’re a beauty queen or else you’re some sort of fish-lipped monster.”
No one but movie stars and Miss America has perfect lip imprints? Okay, I’d be cool with that but all the other imprints look odd.