sure that's fine

Idk about Japan but what seems to be the case in the US is that the court doesn’t give a flying fig about adultery unless the cheater spent a lot of money on the adulterous relationship.

I like this but I do want the sex part. But only on my terms. But yeah. If my lawyer does well for me in the divorce I’m having him write me a solid prenup if I ever get the bright idea to marry ever again.

You haven’t talked to many lawyers I see...

Pretty sure the state also requires dissolution or divorce to make it legal.

Married couples pay less tax that combined if filing joint returns for US federal. And if they don’t like the tax the can filed separately though married.

Just the first few books need to be hidden.

Thanks blueberry! I think you should rock a perfectly tailored black suit, black dress shirt and a dark colored tie to your next formal event you attend with dear ole mum. If you’re in androgeny and menswear at all of course. You’ll be comfortably in black. Impeccably tailored and perfectly suited to the occasion!

Thanks blueberry! I think you should rock a perfectly tailored black suit, black dress shirt and a dark colored tie

That’s still uncalled for and Christ I hear ya. My future former MiL has nothing on my shitty mother. She called up both of my parents because she didn’t feel that they were involved enough in my and her pwecious widdle boys divorce. We’re almost 40.

That’s still uncalled for and Christ I hear ya. My future former MiL has nothing on my shitty mother. She called up

My mother is also a piece of work. From telling me that IF my partner abused me then I MUST HAVE provoked him to telling me my awesome boots would make everyone “think I was a dyke.”

My mother is also a piece of work. From telling me that IF my partner abused me then I MUST HAVE provoked him to

So an abused woman talking like an abused woman?

In process! I put up with being threatened and humiliated for years but NO ONE threatens animals around me and gets away with it.

I originally tried to buy it for myself but the lady at sephora sneered at me. I sheepishly gave my sample to my future ex and now I can never wear it again. Which is sad.

I originally tried to buy it for myself but the lady at sephora sneered at me. I sheepishly gave my sample to my

Probably not legally

Lol I’m pretty sure I’d have to neuter him with a kitchen knife and apparently that’s assault. I will however be performing a walletectomy because that’s the only way to avenge me and kitty’s suffering.

What did she say about psychos who threaten to take the cat to a shelter because you wouldn’t bow down to his other asshole ways? Uhhh asking for a friend. Yeah.

How does anyone snark on shelter volunteers? Seriously. That’s the opposite of swanky glamorous work. If the celebs were dicks maybe at the shelter and just stood around being above actual work maybe I’d get it.

I wipe the rims off the glasses when I wear lippies but I’m the kind of weirdo who dusts off and pre busses my own tables so make of that what you will!

Guise, God doesn’t meet people who are breathing...

That’s really pretty. Really pretty! I’m also a MUA and a makeup hoarder (seriously I have more cases of makeup than furniture right now. I regret nothing!)

Omg please tell me about your user name! That’s just glorious! Xoxo fellow Mistie