sure that's fine

You know what I couldn’t put my finger on it but I think that’s it (for the most part) I hate when people attribute every slight change in demeanor to period hormones. Like I can’t just be mad goddamn. I think a lot of women just want to prove that whether she’s on her period or not doesn’t matter so we pretend to

Real actual picture from Candy’s wedding. You’re welcome.

Well, she does live in a loft in SoHo, so obvs she’s an artist.

Probably got that shot within the first 1,000 taken.

Huh. I’m down to try sex acts from porn (I have a “I will try anything once to determine if I actually like it” rule (spoiler alert: I don’t like most sex acts from porn)), but I’m also into really annoyingly analyzing people I date so I wouldn’t have been okay with the “because I’ve seen it in porn” answer. Give me

During my first time, we tried to go at it like what we saw in porn videos, massive failure.

I think you are completely on point with the fantasy element. I think there are a lot of people who watch porn and forget that what they are watching is in some ways like reality television: highly scripted, incredibly curated, and edited. That’s not what real sex looks like people!

Apropos of nothing.

i do that too :/ only ever with my husband too :/ i dont mind, its kind of hot really, for some reason. Maybe porn? who knows. I like getting all dirty and sweaty during sex,

I’m glad you guys have boundaries and are okay with this.

i think its a combo of the proliferation of porn and people’s unwillingness to talk about/teach what porn really is (i.e. a fantasy)

You know the sex thing is interesting. I mean hopefully we’re all having great sex, but it is true that with how easy it is to access porn these days so many people are getting what they think sex is from that. From generally unrealistic, sanitized images. which in many cases perpetuate some stupid ass shit for both

*TMI Warning* MrMenstruation likes the idea of “expelling” himself on a certain part of my body above my shoulders. I know it’s taboo, but I’m totally fine with it on occasion. I once asked him why he likes to do it and his responses was simply “because I’ve seen it in porn.”

Agreed. I am not so much embarrassed by it. Everyone knows women get periods. It is a fact of life. I just get annoyed by other people’s reactions. I have guy friends (that are in their mid-to-late 30s, mind you) that still say stupid stuff like, “Eww you’re on the rag? Heh heh heh.” I would just rather not deal with

Haha i have tampons everywhere: at work in my car in all my bags. One time my ex found all my tampons in my car and he put them everywhere it was so funny. Every place you can put something in had a tampon. I laughed so much on my way to work. I looked like crazy tampon lady.

I also have commiserated with cashiers over the triple threat: tampons, advil, symphony bars.

I keep a small zippered pouch in my desk drawer. Since my period is an unreliable and often nasty beast, I keep an assortment of pads and tampons in there because I don’t always know what I’m going to need when I get to the restroom. I don’t feel the need to hide my little pouch, and I would imagine that anyone who

I’m kinky, and i have no problem with sex or toys, and i want my now-four-year-old to continue receiving comprehensive, age-appropriate, evidence-based sex ed.

Nooooo! Don’t let teenagers into sex shops!

I am surprised the store was allowed to do this. I worked at an sex shop here and there is a very firm “No one under 18” law. Parents weren’t even allowed to bring in their babies. People would get really upset, but if I didn’t kick them out, I could face jail time.