sure that's fine

Totally agree on an individual basis. I know plenty of people whose situation makes total sense, and I would have done the same. It’s more of a collective thing when it’s an entire town of them. And the expectations and standards that arise from that uniformity. Glad you’re doing better, by the way.

My wife has been drug tested for every job she had, from working as an usher at a concert venue, to working at Fed-Ex as a loader, to working at a gas station, to working as a CNA while in school for her nursing license. My parents are nurses, and they do frequent random drug tests, and did a drug test before she was

Get black out drunk on the weekends? Hey, whatever. But use weed to help your debilitating disease and get fired because fuck you, that why. Absolute bullshit.

17 McChicken sandwiches. They are like monster-sized (and spicy) chicken nuggets on a hamburger bun. They are on the Dollar Menu.

Also usually two little kids. Not a teenage boy and a child barely outta diapers.

““Many times it is simply lack of opportunity or fear of consequences that keep us from falling into grievous sin even though our fallen hearts would love to indulge the flesh.”

I always feel for fast food workers who get slammed with giant orders like that. Back in college I and my friends use to hit up the local Arby’s for their “five for five dollars” deal and buy 20 or 30 sandwiches at a time. We tended to have plenty of time and always made it clear that we were in no rush so they should

All of the stories made me laugh, because I am a bad person. However, I will say that the bar mat shot and the eye drop trick can lose a business their liquor license, and the eye drop trick is regarded as aggravated assault, since one is, in essence, poisoning someone. Most eye drops don’t have that ingredient in it,

All awesome... except the Murine. Poisoning someone - even a complete asshole - is not ok.

You lost me at the Murell story this week Pinkham. I like to see a good “Eff You” given to a deserving douche canoe but poisonings are well beyond acceptable.

I’m all for revenge on horrible customers, but maybe poisoning them is a bit much, you know, legally.

On one hand, I appreciate taking revenge on jerks. That said, the Murine thing is poisoning a drink and illegal.

Revenge will be difficult, as I’m having a hard time trying to figure out something more disgusting to give her to eat than what she already ordered.

I’ll say this: I used to get a lot of very high-ranking Admirals and Generals on lunch shifts when I worked in Crystal City (right near the Pentagon). Every single one I ever served—without fail—was a great customer—super polite, good tippers, didn’t make a fuss. I know YMMV may vary and all, but my personal

Every single one

RE: the Navy story. The military’s brass really does not like their service members pulling shit like that.

And look at those paws. They are going to be huge when they grow up!

look at his widdle mouth!!! awwww jessss put food in there!!