sure that's fine

Russell is pretty famous at least amongst cat people. Not Maru famous, but pretty famous. He actually has a family waiting to take him home - the same family he had before the fire. I guarantee that if, for some reason, Russell were to be put up for adoption, thousands of people, myself included, would be lined up for

Ok, ok. I will (unselfishly) volunteer to adopt both fawn and kitty so they don’t have to be parted.

Aww bless this clinic for taking such good care of Russell. My dad was a burn patient, after being trapped in a car fire and it is a long, painful and expensive road back for all concerned. I’m glad to see the kitty doing so well and the little fawn too.

Oh Russel! <3

Department of Redundancy Department calling...

Shout out to Raleigh. Related/unrelated but the anchors you see on ABC 11 Eyewitness News have been on there since I first moved to the US when I was like 4 (save for a few faces I don’t recognize). I’m now 26 and I shit you not, they have not aged a single day. Either the makeup they cake on grows exponentially with

Something very interesting I noticed the second time round: the first time he grabs her, she pushes him off. Then he’s angry at her for showing him up, and he goes to grab her behind in revenge, in order to put her in her place. Such a great demonstration that the men that perpetrate these acts of sexual assault

First she only pushes him off, and then it’s exactly one whack per approach, increasing in whack-force as he becomes more threatening.

In Soviet Russia, server hit on you.

And if you’re a black woman who tries this- wait, how did you get hired here again?

The problem is people (men) who think they are the same thing.

Violence is seldom the answer.

I don’t need no stinkin’ penis, gimme a goddamn dick!

34. Keeps mad laboratory neat, cleans own twisted glassware, takes equal responsibility for any spawned horror beasts. Looks good in slightly burnt labcoat.

-clips his toenails in the bathroom over a garbage can.

33. Ability to summon gibbering insane, howling maws of twisted flesh from the non-Euclidean abyss beyond our plane.

RIP. I met him at the Warwick University where he was doing a guest lecture, and he was a smart, funny man, albeit a little grumpy. He really hates the movie, though, lol, I asked.

This list is suffering from renkon/lotus root deficiency.

white and purple is taro. always a disapointment. somehow it is so dry no matter how much you dip it blergh

  1. Best to worst.