sure that's fine

Dirty and sweaty are ok. My fears are more about discomfort and pain than degradation. To each their own bodies and desires!

I’ve always disliked this because I have a huge problem with anything getting near my eyes. I always told my ex this. One time I started gagging on the goo and he pulled out and shot. Into. My. Fucking. Eyeballs. Then laughed!

No. You look like a prepared adult woman. It’s way worse to have nothing on hand ever due to possible male embarrassment.

Yeah. My future ex was horrible about this. And all other bodily functions. He told me is disgusted him to know that I have bowel movements because it DESEXUALIZED me. Meanwhile he has horrible gas and nasty IBS in the bathroom closest to whatever room I’m in multiple times a day and STILL tries to stick his nasty

I suggest just looking older. It worked for me at 16. I had a car, a job and a bad smoking habit. No one questioned me.

My friend has kids this age and she was fretting for weeks before their school maturation unit about how to tell them about sex. She settled on the “it’s a thing you do with your opposite sex spouse” trope which I don’t think is very useful but they aren’t my kids. I settled for suggesting she make sure they both

Yeah. I had the same experience as an employee.

I’m surprised the shop allowed this. I’ve worked at a few over the years and we could not let anyone under 18 inside. Not even babies in those kangaroo pouch thingees. Babies who were only months old and thus completely unable to form lasting memories.

I only hide them I think because idiots will go Ooooh she’s bitchy cos she’s bleeding profusely from her vagina. And then I’ll have to stab them. And hospitals are really reluctant to hire you if you stab enough people without orders to do so.

More like I gained and lost about75lbs and developed more muscle. But anything is possible.

Grow 10 inches where exactly...

Herpesviruses are pedestrian. He has supersyphillus

I think XP was named by disgruntled engineers as a nod to the dead eyed emoji with its tongue hanging out.

Marriage I understand. Weddings still baffle me though.

I have no idea either. My own body looked completely different a few years apart at the exact same weight. I didn’t change height or move my bone structure around or something.

Seeing as the needles only go about a quarter of an inch in at most and were mostly in my calves and feet, I feel the risk of pleural cavity penetration is a bit overstated.

After having has 6” needles jabbed into my spinal nerves and literally getting electrocuted in the name of treating chronic pain Accupuncture was a total cakewalk.

I’m best buds with one but that is because we both accept we make terrible choices in partners.

Oh this is sadly far from true. You can be a lifeling feminist and get brainwashed into marrying a narcissistic asshole because they are quite charming at first and feminists are all human beings.

Wait...what is this about falling asleep in a pillow of cake? Do I need a wedding for this?