sure that's fine

That’s not a good place to be. I’m so sorry. I stayed in too many relationships too long cos I liked having a built in bestie so much.

I need to find something like this. I’m a fiber crafter also. How did you find this group, may I ask?

Even when you are in school it is hard to find new friends. Especially if you’re in a program that has a lot of other busy adults. Or the flipside with a bunch if 18-21 year olds who you have nothing in common with except your classes.

I wrote the same thing! Most of my friends were couple friends and he basically is keeping them in the split. That’s fine and whatever. But I need other adult ladies to spend time with!

Umm guys...where WOULD an adult female person go to find other adult female people with whom to pass time in a platonic and pants on fashion?

There’s 2 sides to every story except when one person is an abusive asshole. Then there’s the truth and the sociopathic lies he spreads.

Murderers basically.

Good thing I’m not currently on the market for organs.

Yeah. That’s only ok to use dry on the bottom of my feet before putting socks on. I put all moisturizing products on damp skin though. They spread easier and work better. Its only weird at first!

AB group can receive any blood but I don’t think that extends to organs because there are usually a bunch of other factors that need to be accounted for.

That’s omiting the fact that accident settlements are paid for by the insurer. With as huge aa Wal-Mart is they are going to have a shitload of wiggle room and scores of lawyers on something like this. Their premiums .might go up a touch but it’s not like they’re paying out of the till.

Now why are you trying to punish her good deed?

This terrifies me. It has to be like someone with AB getting A B or O or A or B getting an O right?

In my case it would be terribly long odds but only a few percent of the population has my blood type. So I’m probably SOL if I ever need a transplant. Hence why I’m so pro donation. Gotta put good intentions out into the world.

I don’t think that he could NOT realize what a selfless woman she is to donate her healthy functioning kidney that will literally save his life. Sure some people are assholes but that’s just Beyond.

Holy hell that’s cool! You’re at one of the big brand name hospitals I bet. I don’t think anyone but a CCF, Mayo or Johns Hopkins could pull that off.

Nah. You save someone’s life and you get to enjoy some guilt free IV narcotics. Like hey doc, you did good on the surgery to save this 5 year old kid but no one drilled a hole into YOUR leg, so make with a Fentanyl or Dilaudid pain pump. Thanks!

Or canada is keeping up it’s marketing with white collar junkies only.

Idk if I would give a kidney but I’d probably do bone marrow. It could be the only thing that saves someone’s life and I’d want someone to do it for me or my offspring, if necessary.

I’d suggest grabbing a friend who has a good eye for fit and who knows you well. Head off to a store you can afford who has stuff that suits your tastes and go try stuff on. I like to keep proprtions balanced. I have long legs. Full hips and shoulders. A high narrow waist and a full bust. I tend to go for A line