sure that's fine

Blood doesn’t pay but plasma apheresis does.

The WeVibe Touch. It’s rechargeable and has 5 paterns and 4 speed. Each speed has it’s own long paytern tio

Next will be my wedding dress. Maybe the few designer dresses I own with tags attached. I’m also the ideal plasma donor and they pay cash. I am cleaning houses for cash on the side. Doing open houses for realtors. Lots of side hustles going on and all are poorly traceable.

What kinds of things do you like to do? Are you more into fine dining and classy cocktail lounges or more dive bar and concerts in manky venues? I’m missing giant swaths of activities but the conversation is started!

I’m terrible at picking partners but fantastic as picking male friends. :)

Especially if it’s Ambien (generic is zolpidem) because they obliterate the part of your brain that makes executive decisions about bad ideas AND give you amnesia so that the next morning you may find yourself a piles of confusing texts or an unwanted ex in your bed.

Have you ever tried the spray kind for your body and the thin Asian or European sunscreen products for the face? These tend to be very thin in texture. Like a serum as opposed to an oil slick.

I have a similar aesthetic. I’m like Stevie Nicks and Robert Smith’s love child from their torrid tryst in a mountain of mostly vintage costume jewelry.

You look really tall! That helps a lot with proportions and such. Do you prefer pants or skirts? Are you looking for casual everyday looks or something to wear for social occassions or work?

Chocolate, something salty, comfy yoga pants, a heating pad and some Tylenol

Was going to but life hit me with a curve ball. Are you a programmer or engineer?

That looks amazing and holy crap you look like my sister. She has long hair and basically hates outside though.

I’ve been here very recently too. I’m also a big communication person and I have to agree with your friend. As hard as it is to not talk to him you just have to keep your distance for a while. Distract yourself. And lock your phone when you drink or if you take a sleeping pill. My god trust me on the second one.

I had to sell all my good jewelry including my wedding set and pieces from a late beloved relative. It hurt. A lot. But I’d rather not have my jewels than sacrifice so much more and keep them.

If you post a pick of yourself in a favorite outfit or at least something that fits well we can help! Lob off your head in the photo if you want to stay anonymous.

My best friend is an ex from a zillion years ago. He and I lived together and most of that was the worst. We are completely incompatible as a couple but he’s the person I call at 3 a.m. when my car breaks down or whenever my future ex husband is terrible. Likewise he calls me about his gf problems, car related

I love that gorgeous man and want to beautiful beautiful babies with him.

That’s just men them being stupid and a sign that it’s time to reevaluate your Type. I have always dated men with very specific characteristics and all of them including my marriage failed. So I’m not going to immediately go for guys with the traits that are familiar but problematic for me next time. Or maybe not even

My first career was not a win. After I stopped kicking myself for it I researched different career options and found a profession that I’m phenomenal at. The kicker is that people urged me to go into medicine in the first place but I was not a good planner at 18 and had minimum parental involvement in my life.

We could be roommates. We’ll just need to order pizza for 6 and wine for 4. I don’t care if you play on your phone the whole time as long as it’s on silent and you don’t keep asking me whats going on.