sure that's fine

Paul Simon’s music speaks to me deeply. Apparently he is a subpar human but is phenomenal at singing and songwriting.

A battle field from a historic war has lots of historic markers about battles , AND it’s in a FIELD?

I’m just a horribly lapsed Christian agnostic but I love this idea. It sounds very cathartic. I’m glad you’re doing better! I can’t wait to be fully on the other side and move on from this mess.

Not dieting: my soon to be ex had not bought food for a very long time. I’m hungry cos he’s a nasty piece of work and had cut me off from household funds. I’m very very hungry!

I interviewed a heroin addict and wrote a paper on him. Obviously this means I can’t be trusted around narcotics.

Your petticoat reminds me of ribbon candy! I luuuurrrrvee it!


I like you. I would be a bride’s maid if I had a friend like you.

I enjoy the schadenfreude.

Nah. Not until I get my divorce decree. Then I laugh and buy drinks for people who actually love me and don’t have me in their lives to prove how successful they are.

As coincidental as Arizona only arresting Latinos for that horrible undocumented immigrants law.

Omg please give me cheeeeseee I’m sooooo hungry! And maybe some cupcakes too if it wouldn’t be too much trouble. I need variety in my diet. Hummus and carrots would even be great. Who am I kidding

Mine are in need of burning. I can post the ashes maybe?

My dad cried. My future former spouse’s (drop dead gorgeous) best buddy cried. I teared up a little bit. My mother is a monster in a micromini skirt incapable of empathy and only able to love money so she did not cry.

I only know one couple who saved themselves for marriage. Now the husband is a wife also and they are all about the poly scene. I’m pro whatever you want to do with your junk and pronouns but I consider this further proof that you have to try it before you buy it!

Hey if that’s your advice I really appreciate it. That’s all good stuff. Treat it like I’m writing an anonymous article about it.

Me too! And that’s not even the bad parts. He hates fat women. Minorities. Poor people. Not getting his way 100 percent of the time. All women who aren’t his mother. And the fact I had a problem with him screwing my friends.

Highly recommend small to average size for one’s into to trying butt stuff.

Oh no doubt! I’m a long time serial monogamist and have had only a few partners in nearly 20 years so my sample population is quite limited. I’m terrified and excited to actually date within the next year.

I also had a termination with a TV US but I actually requested to look at it so it would feel more feel real to me. This was over a decade ago and the nurse gently tried to talk me out of it. She told me I absolutely didn’t have to look if I didn’t want to.