sure that's fine

I have done free consultation a few times and found an attorney whom I liked and could afford possibly. Unfortunately it means selling all my jewelry. I thought I’d be upset to see my wedding set but all I felt was I’m x of the way to my retainer goal.

Nah that is harassment and manipulation if done by anyone to a privleged white man child.

Crow makes me think of this guy i knew in high school who pretty convinced that he was the reincaration of Brandon Lee as Erik Draven.

Call your insurance and see what your options are. Be very polite and explain the situation and how it is stressing you out and not helpful if you keep seeing this putz.

The Personal Torture is not supposed to be emotional. My suggestion is to find a new PT person and do whatever you can to ease pain and stress so your body and mind can heal.

I’m going to a party next door to my old house and I have to meet the people who bought my awesome old house and see all my former neighbors who were also awesome....and explain why my husband won’t be there.

I’m better at picking friends than men. This statement is v.silly.

I want to smack all of the people looking at 500k+ homes and bitching about the paint color in a room. You can afford 150 bucks of paint if you can afford a half mil or greater house, people!

I have found my personal mantra of the week. Thanks!

I like rosehip seed oil. Pat it on a clean wet face. 2 or 3 drops should be enough. I really super extra love sea Buckthorn seed oil and if I had some way to purchase a bottle my skin might love me again.

Aww, tell me that Owl Xanax is a thing?

Hello again fellow Jezzies! I bring an update from my ongoing divorce drama. I’ve accepted the inevitable and tried to work with him on a settlement agreement. However, he had apparently been stopping payments on credit cards in my name. I asked nicely for him to remedy this asap so that I could avoid having my credit

I’d like to see a slideshow of aggressively ugly clothing. Might be fun to hate watch while thinking about mojitos.

I presume your husband does not have breasts. If he ever had to manage boobies and actually swimming in a swim suit he would totally get this.

her lipstick is amazing and she somehow doesn’t get it on her teeth. I’d like to try that part.

Go back to school! Seriously: ever wanted to do creative writing? Perhaps sculpt some clay or cook French food? Maybe you want to learn how to do some handy work around the house? All of these are offered at a college near you. Look into it!

I will talk to anyone because I find humans fascinating no matter who they are. This had lead to a lot of times being propositioned by “lifestylers” but I’ve always politely demured when anyone tries to bring the conversation that way.

Is this really a Thing? Because I’m riveted with the possibilities inherent here!

Damn! I’m absolutely jelly. I love Spain and have daydreams of retiring as an eccentric expat in Morocco.

I found a passel of Aussies on the train between Madrid and Barcelona. It’s a really fuzzy memory, which suggests that it was, in fact, great fun!