sure that's fine

This is finally a Mother’s Day post which I can relate to. My egg donor and womb landlady crossed the final line in 4 decades of neglect and narcissism towards me during my divorce.

My ex was literally 100% dadbod. As in, looked physically like my heavyset father. Naturally both of them had thin and pretty wives they tried to leave because society tells men that they deserve even prettier, younger more successful wives if they achieve the slightest bit of success. Me? Bitter? Nah.

It’s a rush of adrenaline and endorphins. It’s our bodies endogenous speedball. And it can be almost as destructive as the notorious rockstar killing combination of speed and dope.

Jezebel contributor: men should have to give up their bodies for 40 weeks, endure labor AND be judged harshly for failing to get their bodies back in 6 weeks if they want babies so badly.

If you leave, I’ll die is massively overrated. I had that from a guy. He treated me like a goddess. I am no goddess: I’m a recently repentant asshole. If I never left, I never would have had the opportunity to fail so spectacularly and admit how much of a ragemonster I was.

Even broken clocks are right twice a day. Let’s not throw out the sound advice baby with the MRA filthy bath water.

I only know what it’s like to be a woman in a relationship with a man. I’m certain that others have different life experience but I didn’t feel qualified to speak for other people.

Have you ever tried to rent a place in a decent neighborhood with ruined credit? No family members able to cosign, either.

It’s a crime to financially abuse the elderly but I don’t know if it is to do so to your spouse. It should be. It’s a vile means of controlling another person.

Jesus! A one bedroom is twice my mortgage per month.

It’s totally possible to have been overcome with grief with the loss of a child to the point of needing extensive psychiatric care. That’s a hell of a lot more valid than smoking and masturbation.

I raised my eyebrows at that too. Especially as a nurse.

Men definitely need education regarding not being abusive and how to disagree with their partners without shutting them down as crazy or with violence.

I’ve only done it once and it was for a dear friend who has been more of a sister to me than my actual one ever was. Actual sibling condescendingly told me that I need never worry about being her MoA since I didn’t have any at all.

The high school got set on fire. In the 90s. They built a big addition around then also. There were way too many teachers to remember 2 decades later, unfortunately.

Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to at least credit the original author though?

This is like downtown luxe loft pricing in flyover country. I cannot even imagine this.

Also, abundant polish food. Seriously, every time I see you comment, I remember that this is totally a Thing and not everyone has the carnal knowledge of real perogi.

“Sex just kind of happens,” is the nonondescript way of saying, “you may trip and fall into someone’s vagina, penis first.” Because I really don’t think abstinence people are into promoting anything but PIV with in the holiness of straight marriage.

All tomorrow’s parties are full of heroin. Especially when filled with children of overly strict wealthy white parents.