
Except it’s not unlawful imprisonment, at least in part because they were clearly not blocking all 4 sides of the vehicle, but also because a few minutes later he is clearly walking to wherever he was going while not being assaulted physically, completely surrounded, threatened with a firearm or other weapon, or

Perhaps you should before chiding someone else to look up a specific crime. Entrapment is the act of a government policing organization concocting a criminal scenario, coaxing a target individual or individuals to commit the crime, and then charging and prosecuting them for doing so.

If anything these activists have done a GREAT job getting on camera the fact that Joe fucking Manchin is not only a greedy business person holding federal policy hostage while people starve, infrastructure collapses, etc., but is driving a Maserati Levante while actively being a goddamn US Senator. Maybe this will

Oh you’ve “looked into” some of them? OK, what are their names? What orgs are they with? Also, expecting environmentalists to live 1m% to their values is stupid tough-guy talk since they exist in a system where they HAVE to adopt/use things they otherwise would deplore, just to get shit done. That’s not some awesome

I wanted one of these so bad in the 90s and I still do. I LOVED the look of that GP with the cladding and the pillbox headlights (or these, too) on those gold wheels, which are my absolute all-time favorite from the 90s. I could never get enough of Pontiac’s whiz-bang dashboards and tech from circa 1988 to 1996. I

Damn, just from the couple glimpses of it, that looks like the sweetest Alfa Romeo Spider EVER. How did you decide against getting a full-frame pic of that one?

This is the kind of thing that former military will tell you about other soldiers doing and/or participating in, the abuse of the locals in non-white countries we occupy. Reporting and doing the right thing is punished nearly all the time, and the least amount of blowback that someone doing so can expect is for their

Just as others have said, I cannot believe they took what appears to be a press photo with that hookup. That’s absurd; nobody should ever be towing like that. In fact with it sitting that way it’s likely putting more than the 600-or-so lbs of tongue weight listed in the brochure, onto the 4Runner. But I see other

Wow, nice. I never saw Navajos in the midwest growing up. I only ever saw them out here in the west-southwest. Amazing that this one is in such crazy-good shape because 95% of the ones I’ve seen are in falling-apart or rusted-out condition. The remaining 5% haven’t been this clean.

Yay humanity.

No idea about the odd 14 buyers but that number is also low enough that these are either people who were somehow REALLY wanting a Continental - perhaps because it will probably be the LAST Continental in automotive history? - and/or they are those quiet but somehow eccentric (very) few who go for off-beat cars.

Message to K.Cour: We’re talking about Denzel Washington here, not Charles goddamn Manson.

Nah. It’s just blind, reflexive selfishness that they justify with one-liner political talking points under the oft-sold but very misguided notion that the singular individual is the only thing that matters, ever, in perpetuity.

If you ask me, assuming it was true that “dozens” did or will, GREAT. That would make the vaccine mandates a great way to implement police reform in at least the blue states.

The Maxima seats definitely look better, but the Infiniti’s dash looks more sorted, and its doors are more upscale-looking.

Not that 1455lbs is a great payload for a loaded brand new truck, but it’s no worse than a Platinum F-150 Powerboost, possibly slightly better in some cases. A couple all-options configs on Ram 1500s and Ford F-150s I think knock the total payload down into the 1100-1200 range.

Maybe, but snowplows.

I was wondering where those wide-ass Dodge vans went! I always thought they were some factory special for commercial use only, I didn’t know an outside company made ‘em. I remember seeing a few in use for handicapped mass transit in Phoenix 20+ years ago. It’s amazing that this B3500 looks like it would eat that

You’re wondering why anyone would want to own and drive a new truck that looks like this when there are literally millions of men between 18 and 55 driving around old 250/2500 and 350/3500 diesels, regardless of trim, on black XD “rims” or super-tall and wide wheels with barely-an-inch-of-sidewall tires, absurd lifts,

GM drives me freaking nuts when they release a new gen of a hot product like the Silverado and put near-zero time and effort into the interior, the place where owners spend the most time interfacing with the product. Then they turn around like “What? What’s the problem?” This is the goddamn interior it should have