
Ya, ya, whatever. 3-on-the-tree, blah blah...

That Ford F-800 pickup is a real find. That’s a REAL short wheelbase for wheels and tires like that. Imagine the ride going over speed bumps.

Phoenix metro is exactly the same. A friend of mine who moved here in the 70s said there used to be daily afternoon monsoon rains. That was already not the case when I moved here in the 90s, and now that the metro pop has grown 175% in 23 years, we get 1 meaningful rainfall year for every 7-8 years of nearly nothing.

I assume it is the new normal even though there’s nothing I can really do to impact forests beyond doing my part to keep ‘em clean and trying not to burn dino-fuels unnecessarily. There is simply no way global society will hit 2050 goals unless all wealthy countries make doing so a WW2-scale manufacturing/public

The Kizashi was truly a pretty handsome car, it was just the wrong amount of effort - Suzuki trying its best to finally produce a product that in top trim was up to the level of a base Camry - WAY too late. Well after the CUV craze began, even. It was a car that should have come out a decade earlier. It’s a decent

Yeah some of the engine design/layout choices German car brands have made are very nearly trolling cast in metal.

Gotta agree on a few of these. The X3 has NEVER looked good let alone desirable, but the E83 was just a mess. Those taillights are the most garbage light design ever on a BMW. But don’t forget the E83's utterly useless styling flourish on the headlights, which must have been the result of a smudge on a drawing due to

Well pretty much everything made that many decades ago was made shittily compared to what we can do today. in the 50s and 60s American cars were comparatively advanced when you look at what the Brits were gluing together, or even the Germans in some cases. Even late 90s cars are pretty shitty-feeling compared to the

I want this van so hard with a 2021 turbo-4 or 3.5 V6.

Biden can be fingered for his vote in 2002, but don’t sell us this crap about Biden being the one and only person to blame. His admin is and has been getting conflicting reports about how strong/weak the Taliban was. The military got it 100% wrong while (it appears) our intelligence services got it more correctly. The

I don’t think anyone is prettying anything up when they use the term “child brides”. That’s one of those concepts that has “rape” already built in. But rape is only one atrocity in what is commencing anew.

Do some reading on the the armed Jewish uprisings in Nazi Germany and then come back here and say that.

This screed, forged from an ingot of pure snark, gets a +100 from me not only because it so perfectly and sarcastically encapsulates Gen X/Y parenthood in the year 2020, but because it nails the most god-fucking-awful trend in child-naming, in my lifetime. The fact that my own children will have to integrate into an


The EV1 was truly the first workable mass-produced electric car. You’re right about GM always figuring out how to screw up their own good ideas. A short list of examples:

Right, but if I recall correctly, that’s partly a function of reduced stroke length, a feature that normal road cars don’t see any benefit from. I also recall many forum arguments 10-15 years ago touting NASCAR as an equally impressive series to F1 in terms of engineering because while NASCAR engines didn’t rev into

I know you qualified your quote-fingers “refinement”, but still worth pointing out:

I love the Ford Flex, as fully loaded examples with AWD and the 3.5 EcoBoost are pretty magical when it comes to their features coupled with pretty Swiss Army knife FLEX-ibility and a not-too-SUV appearance.

This was my thinking, too, because at the time Ford announced “CUV/truck all non-horsey things!”, the Fusion was selling at something like 140+k units a year. How bad is the economy of scale on that car that removing it from the lineup makes sense? Chevy was also selling the Malibu at over 100k units when they killed

Welp, hate to say it but good luck to any of us getting any of those tireless defenders to admit 45's extra-legal track record, let alone accept that it is in fact extra-legal, but also - if anyone scratches beneath the surface - an obvious giveaway that he has never been smart, never been successful, never been