
1st Gear:

I cannot recommend it enough. And while the adventure alone makes it worth it, you may also learn how to navigate without GPS. Through this trip and others I’ve learned how to get across the country without needing a digital voice telling me how to get there.

What a great piece of advice. Some of my favorite trips have been trips without a clear destination or timetable. Looking forward to your new adventures and I will be following along wherever you land.

Bollards Are Antifa!!!!!!!!

I don’t know why but the phrase “lifting up in prayer” really irritates me especially in this context.  That’s almost as bad as someone saying “bless your heart” when they mean “go fuck yourself” LOL.  I just hope if any of these ghouls has a molecule of conscience in there that this kind of bullshit haunts them

Piece of shit Gosar also voted against the baby formula bill.

Apparently the police were pursuing the gunman as he went into the school. The kid was being chased into the school by the police and he still managed to kill so many innocent people. Anyone who argues that more guns and “enforcing laws” are the solution can go fuck themselves.

It’s concern via Mad Libs.

You’d think a good guy with a gun would have finally shown up to save the day.
Who would have guessed that this is not how things work no matter how much the NRA tries to sell that.

Fuck you to all those people in positions where they could actually do something that would stop innocent kids from getting shot and

100% believable that these awful people would have a template ready, so they don’t have to type out the whole thing every time this happens...

It’s sad that Ford is held more accountable for lying than politicians and “news” networks.

Sometimes more than once...

I saw 2 American flags strapped flapping behind a tractor trailer.... they were both ripped a part, so dirty from the soot from the road and truck. Barely holding on to the pole it was strapped to. So sad. The American flag should never look like that. It was somewhat symbolic of these people who claim to love this

They left DC the last time because people on the beltway were giving them the finger.  They couldn’t handle it.

Holy shit, this moronic thing is still going on? What a bunch of pathetic losers. 

Usually 4+ victims is considered a mass shooting.

Mass shooting = 4+ victims in a shooting. You’re not hearing about the 140+ because they happen so often that it’s not newsworthy in America anymore.

This is a good post. Stuff like a buy back program is vitally important to steering America towards a future where this doesn’t happen on a weekly basis. I live in a town where the gun ownership rate is estimated at 2.4 firearms per individual human. It’s unhinged.

Coming from a country with strong gun control (Australia), I have to disagree with some of this. The “criminals will get guns whether they’re illegal or not” argument may be true, but strong gun control reduces the availability of guns, the culture of acceptability around guns, and the immediate response of the

 American gun "culture" is a mental illness.