
And they either refuse to accept that they are for the very “identity politics!” reason they chide Democrats for (projection),or genuinely don’t see themselves as such because the philosophical basis underpinning conservatism presently (and arguably back to ‘94) is subjective interpretations/judgments are what matters

I get that the steering wheel is something out of a 1980s ultra-high-tech moonshot car concept lauding the “TRANSPORTATION OF TOMORROW!!!”...but the rest is quite good IMO.

There is a short-term emo market for white men above the age of 40 (pretty much guaranteed to be 45 mouseketeers) bitching about Greta Thunberg’s activism. They are clearly threatened by her, as much as their “laughing” thru text regardless of how angry they otherwise sound can be taken as aflippant

If anything, both should have streamlined down to 1 car (that’s not a Mustang), and bridged segments with it in the way Honda has been doing for decades with the Civic and Accord. Yes they also have the Fit, but that’s a much smaller buyer segment than the Civic.

I’ve known about the term for many years, but have never seen someone use it in public, or even in writing. The N-word was always the go-to whenever someone was being overtly racist (rather than passive-aggressive) toward black people. The only times I HAVE heard people use the, uh, O-word(?) was in discussions about

Only the 1989 Turbo Trans Am used that engine. All other TAs before and after had V8s, turbo or otherwise.

Is there still 15% lost when a car is rear-mid-engine? My understanding is that RWD cars that are front/front-mid-engine lose more power due to the drive shaft and other parts that create more distance between the flywheel and the wheels contacting the ground. FWD cars tend to lose less HP for this very reason.

What I just oh so LOVE, having been in active participant in our political system for the last 20 years, is how conservatives are adopting one of the exact same moral political positions on the issue of constantly having troops overseas in a conflict/potential conflict zone that liberals took in the run up to and

Well, ya, it would be the perfect sought-after Jeep if you didn’t have to replace...that which makes it a car. I’m not sure I’d trust that thing not to collapse even if it was transported on a trailer.

Oh for sure used car prices are up by thousands. There are plenty of 15 year-old cars that are pricey, especially if they have less than 100k miles. Look up 2004-2005 Acura TSXs. I’ve seen 04-07 Acura TLs in the $10-12k range, and even $13-14k for Type-S manuals. Even for non-manual cars they are often in the $7-9k

The roll of electrical tape and visible pliers and vice grips sum this one up.

Pretty impressive how he’s making a low-RPM V12 sound like it’s rotating at 2-3X. I’m guessing there’s an exhaust pulse timing thing that is being done.

Why is that surprising? Same story here in AZ: if ANY fault is found, CE light or not, you have to get it fixed before they’ll test you again. Bad trans fluid will definitely affect mileage performance because gears will be held longer before the next cog moves in, and if your friend’s car is older and has less than 6

LA and SD are not red areas, for one thing. I mean, you can take the desert areas from the border all the way up to Bakersfield if you want, but...

I haven’t seen this show yet, but I was semi-baited into clicking on one of the right-wing opinion pieces (immediately backing out of it after seeing “National Review”) covering how Chapelle is somehow magically their man, now. Queue the week of culture wars oped pieces that are trading barbs over disgusting white

Dude, that crap is so played out. The more you fight political correctness, the more you will lose. I’ll explain the reason, since I can’t recall a single time in my life when a conservative even knew what it actually was, let alone used it correctly, or further that any 2 conservatives used the term epithetically in

Finally, a Merc CUV I could see myself in. The stance is right, it looks good, it appears to have lots of functionality for its size, and it’s quick enough while not making so much HP that I’d be afraid it’d break before 10k miles. If there’s going to be a GLB 4X version, I might still want that a bit more, but this

The thing I’ve noticed is, as someone who is “left” because I’m not anything the modern conservative and/or GOP base would recognize I can’t say I’ve ever met a single “leftist” that gave a shit about how anyone lived as long as it wasn’t negatively impacting someone else. Seriously, we’re being told by a libertarian

Ya they sound fine with something aftermarket to bring the bassy brute out of the V6. I found it odd even when the Z33 was new how Nissan had settled on this soft, purry hum that had no bass to it. I haven’t heard any other stock 6 sound like that; unique, but not necessarily what I’d want.

Ya, the Beretta was the better-looking car. There were so many versions of it, too: