
I gotta say, IMO the Chiron is quite a bit prettier than the Veyron, even though the Chiron is clearly an evolution of that form.

That’s how big Chicago is.

Yep, what is commonly referred to in the region as the “Chicagoland area”.

Personally I’m over the juvenile “fried egg lights!” reasoning given for disliking the 996s. This sounds like an NP to me, as long as I know what else has been done to the engine both in and out. What other way can people reasonably get into a 911 these days other than through the 996 door? All the older ones have


This thread wins cheer-up post of the day. My personal contributions:

He didn’t stay in business, he stayed in the press. He started adult life a few steps from the finish line and has been milking that since the 70s. During the election several outlets tried to ascertain his net worth. Nobody knows, but good chances are it’s well south of what he has claimed ($10b), and some financial

And what are the conservatives in my Facebook feed posting memes about? The security concerns they have with the behavior of the con man they just elected? Their concerns over his flippancy with respect to any convention of government operation or communication? Their concerns that Trump’s team has a lot of

I remember happening across a few of his video game videos a few years ago and wondering just what the hell was so interesting about him that he was getting millions of views without even trying.

Telling edgy jokes is one thing if you know how to do it properly, and he’d be getting a pass - MAYBE - if this was the first time. But if he’s done this with anti-Semitic stuff before, that’s called a pattern. What makes it worse is nobody apparently gets the joke, and all viewers are left with is a really

Ya, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Fatal police violence on black people is quite commonly seen these days, and as many innocent, non-offending black people have been shot by police officers as have those suspected of crimes. That said, being suspected of a crime != police are greenlit to use lethal

I don’t give a single rat’s ass about all the complaints over looting and burned gas stations in response to unnecessarily shot black people if on the other side, both before and after the 2016 election, hate crimes by right-wing groups (such as swastikas on Jewish grave sites) skyrocketed due to the flippant mouths

Unfortunately he also lived long enough to vote Drumpf in, so the “last laugh” depends on how you look at it.

I get where you’re coming from, but you’re basically using the no-true-scotsmen fallacy to deny Ancona’s Christian identity. Whether you like it or not, you can’t take someone’s Christian-ness away from them, and you can’t tell them they’re wrong. Why? Because the Bible is interpreted, as evidenced by thousands of

So many conservatives these days do.

Projecting dickweed is projecting.

These overpriced used car considerations always have onlookers going through a list of what they’d buy that’s more sensible. Can’t say I’d disagree with this strategy; I definitely would not pay that money for a cherry Supra just down to the FnF culture that has followed the car for 15 years now. But I appreciate the

NB Miata all day long.

I personally have grown tired of the SHO. I drove a rental version that was fairly well-equipped very briefly a few years ago, and I don’t recall it driving all that well. Disconnected and a touch floaty. But I would agree that at $10-11k off a new one some allowance can be made. I just don’t think I can bring myself

I think I’d easily get a Flex over a Taurus. The Flex is much better looking, and so freaking versatile; a great family road trip machine. Plus, it’s probably only a hair slower. I drove a used Flex Titanium Ecoboost a few months ago and immediately fell in love with it. Fully loaded those things are only really