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    We have that issue too!

    In case you were wondering, the projects highlighted in the issue were: a canoe, a coffee table, and a set of wooden playing cards he made for his wife's 52nd birthday.

    This seems like the appropriate place to tell this story:

    So glad to see this being reviewed, especially as I've been trying to convince friends to watch it for it months. It's really the TV successor to Angel, but with a lady.

    My favorite part was the montage of happy roommate memories which was 10 seconds long. Because usually they're screaming/killing people.

    Yea, plus it felt like weird unintentional flirting, which would turn this show around. Frankly I'm pretty tired of the need to make every element of a fantasy characters life unendingly dark. Like, it would just be nice if sometimes Josh has to talk Aiden down from his bloodlust and other times they had to stuff Josh

    The two minutes between Josh trying to get Aiden to drink his blood and Aiden's vomit/eye-bleeding were what I wish the show was more like. Instead it's all reaper this and full moon that and BORING.

    It's funny—last season when Melody was accusing him of sneaking around, lying and generally going through a personality change it seemed like an overdramatic reaction to breaking curfew. Who knew it was going to build into such great self-destruction and angst?

    A 100% jump in sales!

    I'd be totally fine with that too.

    The more I watch this show, the more I realize I just want it to be Scrubs, but with a werewolf as the Zack Braff character.

    In 4th season there's a scene with 4 of the 5 Derevko woman walking towards Jack and Garber does this wonderful "Oh shit" face. They're a hard force to tangle with.

    If I am remembering later seasons correctly, I think that Derevko women were genetically created to love and confound Jack Bristow.

    "Hey, at least your dad brainwashed you to be an AMERICAN spy!"

    Oh sure (though I always hate how characters have super small social circles for casting reasons, but it makes sense). But it just strikes me as really unlikely that, at a Deaf school, she wouldn't have met at least one kid with non-signing parents.

    Honestly, the worst part of the Travis plot was that is surprised Daphne. Most Deaf people are int hat situation, or one similar. Hearing families rarely learn to sign and it's alienating and there are dozens of signs dedicated to talking about this—not the sort of thing Daphne would be ignorant of.

    The signs for army and frat house were awesome, but they are't the official sings, so to speak. Not to get too much into ASL grammer, but they were both using classifiers to express the concept. For example, the way frat house was signed was more like F-R-A-T HOUSE CL:PARTY.

    I actually suspected—and was glad to see I was right—that Sybil's running off probably made it EASIER for Mary to have all her terrible secrets out in the open. Sure, she had premarital sex forever ago and sure, she's probably going to call off her wedding and risk social shame on the house, but on the other hand at

    Probably (m), but I did love that even Lavinia was ultimately a Mary/Matthew shipper.

    @avclub-c48f5a2d585c74f35c5abee9a8182559:disqus Oh, don't get me wrong—I'm a huge Edith defender, but I don't think she has quite the fanbase of the other two sisters.
    I also can't think of anyone besides Bates who has made a significant sacrifice re: the Turkish affair (but I may be forgetting someone). She it's not