
Goodness. Spam is very elaborate and eloquent these days.

Oh ugh. I’ve been to Xmas partied with the likes of you. Ordering $40/oz booze because someone else is paying for them. Classy move.

You must be new here. The Gawker network is extremely left, and anything else is shit.  All of these commenters are keyboard warriors.  Nothing more 

I had to scroll way to far to see this. “this is a sure sign of an abusive relationship

How about we not tell people how to live their lives?

Because you can’t culturally appropriate FICTIONAL fucking stories.

I just cannot imagine Aladdin without Robin Williams...

So...overlook the very real shortcomings of Dems? No. 

That air traffic controller is a damn hero. I like to think I would do the same. May God reward him in the afterlife. At least free air wing miles.

So does that mean Kavanaugh should be granted the same exemption you’re granting Barry right now? This was decades ago, after all, and so far no allegations of his sleaziness since he was a teenager.

Val: A Solo: A Star Wars Story Story"

Don’t wait. It’s a worthy addition to your library, not some after-thought.

I do curfew checks where I work and the police come with us as both a security measurement and a community outreach. One of the mother’s of the kids we did these checks on said she didn’t want the police to come to the house because she didn’t want anyone to get shot. The city I work in (somewhat large and violent) has

I know this is a weird and unpopular concept for the people of this site, but most cops are just commoners who want to help their community. Definitely take a minute to breathe and compose yourself before responding.

Nicholas Cage is, without any irony, one of the greatest goddamn actors of all time. I am always up for watching him perform. 

I don’t like feckless people.

Guy who enjoys mindless repetition, empty lyrics, and random ‘tourette’s-like’ outbursts of ‘skrrrrt’ in his hip hop writes scathing article about person who represents the exact opposite. So incredibly cutting edge and just what we should expect from a master of internets.

No one co-opts shit unless you let them.

Please attempt to “randomly rest” your hand in the same way Zina Bash did during the hearing and let us know if it feels natural.