
Very edgy. Have any proof for that or you one of those emotionally stunted types that like to throw bodies on fire to watch them burn?

I understand your passion for wanting to eliminate the whole program. I’m just not sure how I feel about doing that to the players.

I’ll put forth the following for consideration:

So we’re all in agreeance that this guy’s a fuckin nerd right?

What I can’t figure out is at the end when she says she moved out by Christmas, did she leave the husband by Christmas or did she and her husband move together? I hope she left him, that guy sounds awful.


Every animal dies. Not every animal truly lives.

You know what, the films had their flaws and shouldn’t have been a trilogy, but I loved the Hobbit films. They were fun, the casting was superb, and they worked more than they did not, and when they worked, they were a blast. I do want to see Grace’s cut out of curiosity, but I don’t see the Hobbit films as

The consensus here seems to be that disliking TLJ means one is racist, misogynist etc. I’m simply trying to do what I can to put a stop to that generalization. I’m a liberal, I think Trump is a moron, and guess what, I still think TLJ sucks, I think Rose is a pointless character, etc.

Ah, yes, I’m a racist misogynist for thinking she wasn’t a great actress, that her plot line added nothing, and the “love”/kiss after knowing each other for all of twelve~ hours was silly and way too Disney.

What you’re actually saying here is “no matter how thorough the investigation, I know Hardwick is guilty and that there’s no way Dykstra is lying.” And you really can’t back that up, so you just say “it’s fucked up all around.”

The women on our soccer and softball teams were huge handicaps. They struck out in softball (they were given 5 strikes just for being girls) often. They couldn’t field, pass, or do anything effective. I joined co-ed sports to hang with friends and co-workers but to also compete in something and try to win.

Probably Brewers fans were just drunk

This seems to be the classic “they didn’t stop it so they are complicit” complaint. I have little doubt TJ Miller was an asshole on set, as he seems to be an asshole everywhere else, too. Alice Wetterlund is entitled to feel however she feels about her experience on the show, but that doesn’t mean her complaints about

I thought this was AV Club, not Jezebel.

Yes, it’s horrible that the players are being asked to keep from making polarizing political statements during their time on the job. They are employees. The person signing the checks typically gets to make the rules. If they don’t like it I’m sure the CFL would be happy to take them. Last I checked none of the owners

I wouldn’t mind a movie with Rose as the lead character. She was my favorite part of The Last Jedi.

not a hockey fan at all, but god damn am I loving the ovechkin coverage. He is like a drunken toothless bearded toddler on Christmas morning. So much fun.

(Editor’s note: Three minutes after Deadspin commenter “threve” posted this, he was arrested while waiting in line at the Starbucks drive-thru after ramming his F-150 into the car ahead of him for taking too long to order.)