Hmmm, sounds like you’re an edge case.
Hmmm, sounds like you’re an edge case.
“It doesn’t work for me because my job makes me drive across a state fairly often, so it’s useless and won’t work for anyone.”
This thing is squarely aimed at corporate fleets where they don’t need that much range. The price, range and so on all make sense. I bet they will sell a shit ton of these things.
My UPS route was 60 - 70 miles a day and 40 miles was getting to and from the route.
My constant farting helps me maintain social distancing.
That has never been true.
if your business model only works because you use slave labor and treat employees like shit then your business model doesnt work at all.
You’re like the morons in my town that think people flipping them off for their little ego parades are just as bad as ISIS.
People being hollered at is not the same as cars (i.e. deadly in the right circumstances) swerving around. Fuck off with your whataboutism.
Your link shows white supremacists being harassed. The only reason you would have a problem with that is if you are also a white supremacist.
Lol. That article/clip had basically zero evidence of any violent acts. Just some warranted yelling to remind these racists MAGA morons who they are supporting. Try again.
Might be a good time to get a dash cam.
They are basically a less organized version of the SA. They are doing everything the SA did before 1933, just without a proper command structure and brown shirts.
As long as the President and Attorney General both endorse and protect this kind of behavior, they’ll keep doing it. If Biden wins the election, look for the new AG to suddenly be very heavy-handed in cases of intimidation and the like.
Talk about stupid, consider this little tale. A few weeks back, I was driving through a smallish town in north Georgia. An area that serious Trump-country. Seems like every other house has a collection of Trump flags flying. As is their right, of course. So anyway, I’m driving along with a Biden decal (just one, not…
That these sorts of people exist is so profoundly depressing and terrifying. What are these inbred, slack jawed, knuckle dragging, assholes in their bro-dozer pick-ups going to do when Biden wins? They don’t seem to have much of a limit - terror tactics on the street. Plotting to kidnap and kill Governors?…
Fucking argue against it. It’s dangerous illegal intimidation.
You’re not against what they did?
And our lovely president stoked the fires even more. This is how sad America has become. Pathetic.