
Whatever we have to do to protect the market leader. Real anti trust is making sure the market leader gets as high as possible. If sony reaches 100%, we will surely really say fuck you to monopolies!!

Cause the real basis for anti-trust laws is based on vibes. And vibes tell me that since microsoft is a big company, we

Whew lad. So, a vertical merger *can* be bad. Like, in the example you gave where an 80% market share company becomes a 90% marketshare company. I have no idea why I’m explaining a few basic market principles to people who think billionaires just sit in a room all day with cash surrounding them, oppressing workers

Well, I have a great point, and I’m right, but I can’t argue with the rest. 

Perfect Dark Zero was a launch title. The 360 had a very slim marketshare at that time. Over 1 million for a launch title is great.

Plus you’re comparing sales to games that were on a nintendo console and considered first party, vs a console who’s best selling games were third party. Nintendo had notoriously bad third

Viva pinata came out in 2006 at 84 metacritic and sold well. The sequel also sold well.

Perfect Dark Zero also had over an 80 metacritic and sold well.

Kameo sold well and also reviewed well.

RARE’s peak period was well before microsoft bought them, definitely. But they’ve still had plenty of success. 

Guess you can kind of just define everything how you want. Monopoly? Vibes. Child molester? Vibes. Just live your life based on vibes. Vibes vibes vibes.

Small company good big company bad capitalism bad corporatism america bad buy local

Did I cover everything for you? 

Best example is the results of you’re idiotic plan. The FTC has lost almost every case they’ve thrown at these mergers and received no concessions. So if you’re goal instead of ‘toothless negotiation’ to achieve remedies is to make sure that big companies smoothly buy up as much as possible, you’re spot on. 

“Yeah, okay so now that I’m wrong about everything it’s time to conclude that the entire world is rigged against me”

Ah it’s that time again, the time to conclude that instead of being on the stupid side of a discussion, you conclude that something is rigged.

That’s true. You guys think the definition of monopoly is based on vibes. 


1. horizontal
2. horizontal
3. horizontal
4. horizontal

Now link me to the last time a vertical merger was actually blocked. 

Cope. There hasn’t been a blocked merger in 40 fuckin’ years dumbass. You have no idea what anti trust even means. You just heard Elizabeth Warren mention it one time and now you think every company with more than 5 employees should be broken up. 

Sure. Vertical mergers should be reviewed and scrutinized. But vertical mergers are often times the result of natural market forces at play. Consumers often do not want 50 competitors in a market, because it’s not always efficient.

So the FTC should review and scrutinize these deals, with the understanding that

Yeah, but I agree with that. That’s what the FTC is for. The FTC is not for populist demagoguery.

The FTC took novel legal theories to block this merger because it’s a big company. That ended up resulting in literally >zero< concessions on this deal.

The way to do this would be to review the merger and offer

...So a link that says vertical mergers can sometimes hurt consumers or workers? No one said they can’t. They just usually don’t. Again, it’s been FORTY years since one has been blocked. And you can go look at the anti trust laws in the small nordic countries with 8 people in them that you worship as well, they also

The classic populism pipeline.

Submit argument.

Lose argument.

Defend argument poorly.

Concede that instead of being wrong, the entire system is rigged against your opinion.

Truly incredibly stuff here.

Because big companies aren’t inherently bad. The point is the whole charade is ironically achieving the opposite of whatever the FTC’s supposed goals are.

A competent and serious FTC would realize that this merger would not at all break any law. And so what would they do.. They would go through the process of

That’s because Live Nation and ticketmaster was essentially a horizontal and a vertical merger at the same time. This is a completely different scenario.