
By the way, these developers didn’t have a 6 year developer time with 3 years of early access and big daddy warbucks Tencent paying their bills. 

It’s not unrealistic for me to expect quests to actually be finishable.. it’s not a high standard. I’ve played plenty of buggy games. None of them required me to literally backtrack multiple hours of saves.

And you’re right, there was ‘simply another solution’. I did find it, because its posted all over the forums,

I need to send you fanboys a shit ton of videos of how fucking broken this game actually is. You guys are in serious denial.

Completely bullshit. The questline breaking I’m talking about has been a bug since early acess and they STILL haven’t fixed it. You can start a new game yourself, and don’t do the gortash coronation quest first. It literally breaks several questlines. Wyll’s father will never show up in the prison unless you do 20

They aren’t 1-3 seconds here and there, they happen in every single combat encounter starting at the end of act 2. You can gaslight me all you want, but you’d be ignoring tons of players who have the same issues. You’re clearly not connected to the communtiy at all, because it’s literally consensus that act 3 is shit.


Yeah, I agree with that.

I don’t disagree, I just played so many games in both 2022, and 2023 that were very, very big, and very, very expensive to make, and had no microtransactions. I don’t really play games with microtransactions, so maybe that’s just not a feature that resonates with me much. 

I don’t want to give spoilers, but I guess it just depends on your definition of broken. When I entered act 3, there’s a bridge to cross into the main city. The character there guarding the city had a giant sword-like-pixel hanging out of her head. The entire time I’m talking to her, she has this ginormous sword pixel

I don’t disagree, and you’re probably right that my comment is kind of out of place. I’m just surprised by the acclaim, I guess. I think of perfection when I think of games that get 9.5, 10/10, 9.6/10. I just wonder if those developers finish those games.

I’d probably also add that, maybe I just live in a bubble, but I

Maybe I am salty? I don’t mean to be. I guess I don’t know what there is to celebrate? I played 15 or so single player games in 2023, and I don’t think any of them had microtransactions. And to boot, they weren’t 30% owned by tencent, and the games were actually finished. 

It’s also incredibly cute to see a company who tencent owns 30% of argue for a more ‘humane industry’.

I beat the game a week ago. Look up ‘act 3 bugs’, you’ll find thousands of issues that were never addressed. This is a game that was in early access for 3 years, there’s no excuse. 

I’m glad you didn’t have the same experience. But look up act 3 problems with this game and you’ll find thousands of posts about broken questlines, glitches, dialogue eluding to missing content, all sorts of issues. Door animations simply stopped working for me. Characters literally had what looked like swords driving

Minor complaints? I had to roll back 10 hours of gametime to save a character that just literally wouldn’t spawn because of the quest direction I took. That’s a major complaint, and any other developer would absolutely get roasted for it. The game was in early access for 3 years, it’s not really acceptable.

This game was in early access for 3 full years, and act 3 is still not in a great state. 

“the game has been held up as a shining example of what the AAA machine should be in terms of creating a huge, high-quality game without microtransactions and other predatory monetization schemes”

Whatever you need to tell yourself. 

That’s just the introduction. 

While reading your message, I went into a trance and was instantly transported to the future. I have to say, I’m sorry you wont read my heartfelt reply. But if you do get the chance to do it, just know that I’m so sorry for the harm I’ve caused you and others today here on kotaku, a safe space for the most oppressed

Dude. I wish I had seen this before I replied to the other comment