
when it negatively affects competition which is insanely rare. There hasn’t been a serious challenge to a vertical merger in 4 decades. And that’s not an ‘AmErIcA bAd’ thing, that’s in almost every country.

Not saying they don’t deserve scrutiny and review.. but we can’t just make up shit as we go. Or we can, you


Breaking up Sony serves no purpose. Are you one of those ‘Trust the science’ unless it’s basic grade one econ?

RARE’s most successful game ever is Sea of Thieves

It’s a bad look specifically because they’re the market leader. Not really because they’re foreign-owned. But I agree.

It’s just because it’s painful how fucking stupid all of the concern trollers are about this topic. It’s just regurgitating insanely stupid ‘big company bad’ talking points. It’s even more painful because it’s in the opposite direction of what they claim their goals are. Sony is the market leader.

The defintion of

Sony has a 45% market share

let me give you an example even a simple minded brain worm infested dumbass like you can understand

I really wish journalists like you were required to study at least a bit of basic anti trust and or economics.. and the history of the ftc before using a bizarre title like this. Good god it’s so painful to see this cringe worthy romanticism of anti trust from the teddy roosevelt era.. only instead of oil barrens with

industry consolation doesn’t always hurt consumers in the end in any fashion. maybe in a horizontal merger.. but definitely not vertical ones. this is a pro competition, pro consumer merge

yeah but they couldn’t have. the only argument they have is the same one the internet has - big tech bad big company bad muh late stage capitalism!!!

…not.. at all. i’m so amazed by how brain rot filled everyone is on this topic. the ftc had no case to begin with. this is a vertical merger. because COMPANY BIG!! theres all this horrendously cringe concern trolling about this deal (a deal already approved in 40 countries with no issues)

another in a long list of dumbasses with the economic literacy of bernie dumbfuck sanders. sony is the market leader at 45% - nintendo and microsoft are at 27%