Officer Rod Farva

Regarding Tesla, I’m tired of all of the gaslighting whenever a company or individual says/does racist things. I’m old school and believe in owning up to your (bad) behavior instead of making excuses or blaming it on trivial shit. The more people get away with this gaslighting, the worse it is going to be for those

Not joking. Must have misunderstood?

I keep hoping he’ll be near a set of stairs at some point.

And here comes the trolls with their both-siderism.

You’re part of the problem.

It’s just another slogan that the right co-opted to feed to the sheeple that vote GOP. It’s in the same vein as CRT and LGB.

That’s not true at all. Democrats want to do more but can’t get past a simple majority or will not get rid of the filibuster. Once again, it’s their incompetence that leaves voters holding the back. GOP winning more seats will not help the country either.

Why her? Warren is a much better choice. Pelosi should have stepped down years ago.

Ugh Pelosi has to go. I’m so sick of dinosaurs like her and Dianne Feinstein holding the Democratic Party hostage. What kind of dirt does Pelosi have on other Dems to continue to hold out in office for so long?

Warren is correct and I wish more politicians were like her.

Why do people un-gray trolls like this by replying to them? You’re part of the problem.

Isn’t that reverse ageism? Boomers love to accuse younger people of ageism but yet they get exceptions here? Fuck that. Florida needs to break off and sink at some point. Take all of the rotten old cocksucking geezers with it.

Republicans are happy to pass these laws because the base is too fucking stupid to realize that they will be affected. Maybe not a large percentage but I’d imagine if you had young Republicans that wanted to embrace LGBTQA, that they’d be subject to these hate laws too.

Eat shit, asshole.

Republicans are a threat to the American way of life. They’re too busy pushing their convoluted version of such to realize that they’re making very powerful enemies in the process. 

Dude, shut the fuck up. You don’t write for Jalopnik and therefore, you don’t have a right to tell people how to do so.

I think games in an EV are stupid idea, period. Even if someone is parked, it’s still not one of the reasons why people buy cars in the first place.

I would imagine the local precincts do a healthy amount of recruiting at the various klan meetings MAGA rallies in their region

That’s why no one takes those southerners seriously outside of their “safe spaces.” 

Georgia cops are another level of stupid. Nevermind the fact that police departments everywhere tend to employ people who barely made it out of high school, let alone read through the bylaws.

Mandatory subscription? Give me a break. I don’t think that EVs will ever go down enough in price during my lifetime. I want an EV but not one costs more than what I make in a year.

Do you mean the trolls trying to tell Jalopnik’s writers how to write? All that time wasted by those trolls could be used to write a blog or make a podcast or whatever.