Officer Rod Farva

Look at the “Let’s Go Brandon!” meme. Conservatives pick the worst things, amplify the shit out of them and then it takes YEARS for them to disappear (in some cases).

I feel the same way about dipshits that live 20 miles out of a town/city center and commute in massive vehicles. Nothing says, “I’m a big fucking idiot!” more than that.

It’s not hurting you so why is it a big deal?

I removed one of these stickers from a pump because it annoyed me just looking at it. We really need to move on from blaming presidents for rising gas prices.

Every time someone says “I’m not racist” after saying something racist, I just want to throw a brick right at their stupid face. Stop gaslighting, asshole!

What else are you going to whine about, you stupid piece of shit?

Plenty of crime-riddled shitholes all over America. Why focus solely on NYC?

Minor or not, the kid needs to learn a lesson and quick. All of this hand-wringing just ensures that more kids commit these acts.

If people have never had the bell beefer, would it be easier to just make your own sloppy joes?

I hate NIMBYs and morons who try to keep things “pristine” (read: WHITE) in their Hallmark-esque towns. All fine and dandy until those boomers die off or move away and the tax base collapses.

Boo hoo. People should not get a pass for things they did when they were stupid teenagers because there’s always the chance that they haven’t learned at all and are massive trolls.

If EWG’s “goal” is to get more people to eat organic produce, good luck. I’m not paying more for organic when a bag of conventional apples is now $4.99/3lbs.

Your daily reminder that Russia CHOSE this path of invading Ukraine and committing war crimes.

Thanks to Uncle Vladimir, Dmitry can no longer buy a new Lada. 

Just trying to find SOMETHING positive about TN. Guess I’m wrong?

Why can’t we kick TN out of the union? It’s a worthless landmass, except for Nashville.

The average American doesn’t give a shit about climate change. It’s all about cheap gas and cheap oil to them. We are spoiled. Other nations pay much more at the pump and their answer is to buy more fuel efficient or electric vehicles. 

I’d love to push him down a set of stairs. Fuck this asshole.

Ah yes, the tired old trope of “but Democrats were once bad too!” I get a chuckle when conservative neanderthals use it for a whatabout-ism.

Well, I’m still a Patriots fan but not a fan of the Kraft family or even Belichick, despite his achievements as a coach. You could lump most of the NFL owners into this group. I really think the NFL culture needs a major overhaul. Is it too late for Kap or is there still time?

For me, it’s just to see Tom Brady at his best. I suspect that once Brady is gone for good, I’ll tune out. I’m more of a baseball fan but there’s still a lot that I don’t understand about the NFL and it makes it hard to be an actual fan, as opposed to someone who just watches games to learn.