Karen loses her appeal? Aww. Anyway....
Karen loses her appeal? Aww. Anyway....
Not if Republicans are eliminated.
Over my dead fucking body. If there ever was a time to use the 2nd amendment, it’s now.
Isn’t there a way the federal government can supersede this bullshit on constitutional grounds? If there aren’t court challenges already, they will be forthcoming.
I don’t want to live in an America where people can’t be who they are in a safe and nurturing environment.
You must have glossed over the idiot blabbing on about the “racist Chinese”. Sounds like you have selective bias.
It’s not a shocker that they’d get racist like that. Reminds me of how Japanese and eventually Korean automakers were treated when they first broke into this market.
What I’m baffled about is why these companies keep choosing to build in the American South. Sure, cheaper labor (no unions) and nice weather but other…
I see some pretty dumb questions being asked but they’re nit-picking more than anything. I have no problem with reparations for slavery much like I have no issue with reparations for Native Americans or Japanese descendants of WWII internment camps.
If anyone’s opposed to reparations, it’s important to look at where…
Alvin Bragg pisses me off the most. There’s no way that he’s not on the take from the Trumps.
There’s no way that Clarence Thomas didn’t know what his wife was trying, despite her claiming that they don’t share information.
I’d rather see the headline reading “Disgraced Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to resign from Supreme Court” because I know that would mean another SC justice for Democrats if it happens before 2024.
The Republican reaction is precisely why the Supreme Court needs to be evenly split among ideological lines. They had no actual reasons to go after KBJ and yet are whining about how Beer Brett and Culty-Barrett were treated, despite both being more controversial.
Only one one condition: He has to take Abbott, Paxton and every other repulsive TX politician with him to the sun.
Sounds like he’s a groomer or would probably groom. All he needs to do is appear in a Borat film like his clueless dad to prove that apple didn’t fall far.
Wahhhh, life’s not fair. Suck it up, buttercup. I didn’t vote for Trump either but I had to deal with 4 years of his bullshit.
In a sane world, he would be committed to a mental hospital. I keep reading about his rumored Parkinsons’ diagnosis. That can’t be helpful either.
He probably would have because he loves to police the content here like a good little fascist.
You’re a Musk stan aren’t you? So pathetic.
You don’t write for Jalopnik, Jezebel or any of the other sections. Why do you spend time crying about the content? Go somewhere else. Start your own damn site where you can focus on the topics YOU want.
I’m getting really tired of these posts coming from trolls with nothing better to do with their time. Isn’t it a…
Here we go with the “American Dream” defense. Not everyone out there with massive amounts of wealth, came from nothing. More like they inherited wealth stolen from the labor of others and passed on throughout generations.
Rich people can give to all of the charities that they want but it doesn’t change the fact that…
I thought that hatred of rich assholes was universal? Only in America can you see so much hand-wringing and a delicate approach to taxing people. Once the Boomer generation got into power, they changed the rules to benefit themselves at the expense of everyone else.