
can’t even say for sure if kizer was drinking


and now he has parkinsons

bro, do you even neg?

they’ve had less than 50% success with malcontents. but that’s still pretty good.

Watching Brady and Ryan make plays from that angle

i’m onto you. this is just a roundabout way to say, “hey guys, i was totally a pats fan before 2001!”

so like, a couple crazies are saying something dumb about the fog & you’re panties are in a bunch? yet this is the same fanbase that asks (justifiably!) not to judge the whole lot of you for a couple racists yelling shit at players. bizarro-world indeed.

admittedly I may be misremembering, but i don’t remember his golden tate really having possession. he just kind of had his hands on the ball without any real control of it. if both guys are locked on so tight that neither is coming off the ball, then yeah sure, simultaneous possession. but when one guy clearly catches

Why does everyone on this site think living in NYC would be so fucking great? Pro tip, NYC sucks. Humans were not meant to live like sardines.

i really want to party with you. you sound fun

I play fairly competitive flag football and softball,

given... ugh. seriously bro. use your small brain just once.

in my experience these people who are offended don’t really work that hard.

I have a military background. And I know a shit ton of people with a military background. In my wholly un-scientific estimate, I’d say only about 25% of those people are mad about the anthem protests. So it’s not really us, it’s the racists.

chill out dude. florida is fucked up, you guys also gave us trayvon martin, steve calkins, & marissa alexander.

these days you’re only cool if you DON’T have kids.


my house locks with a 4 digit code. why can’t cars be the same way?

no. i’m not a fucking birdologist