
haha yep, hear this shit all the time. my most hated word in the world might be “collaborative”

yup, these are basically the reasons i left my small rural hometown in tennessee at 18. couldn’t wait to get the fuck outta there.

blown to dust? eh no. that might damage the rest of the mountain. can’t we just grind it off?

yeah fuck that fanbase. worst fanbase in all of north american sports.

how do you feel about this now?

you asshole?

I don’t get to watch too many scary movies, wife hates em, but Devil was fucking great.

Frailty is such an amazing movie

Brees is great, but Purdue sucks. I mean you’re mascot is a shitty cocktail. cmon

you can be smart & really understand football & be a terrible color guy. what’s surprising about him being so good this early in his color analyst career is how well he explains things to the average fan without dumbing it down too much. he hits the sweet spot on that. and he’s offering insight that i really haven’t

eh pretty spot on for on jezzybel

only winners get trophies hunny, get back to the kitchen

it’s pretty much explained in the article why she was allowed to compete. she was competing as part of the TEAM, which she is allowed to do. so her score counts in the team score. but she cannot compete in the boys INDIVIDUAL tournament, & because of some dumb rule, since she cannot compete in the INDIVIDUAL tourney,

hey winning on a technicality is still winning. so much winning.

isn’t that what we come to deadspin for? extreme false equivalencies?

there is NO SEX like CRAZY CHICK SEX. nah mean right?!

Welk, I’m shorter than most people

like the Anaheim Ducks? every new team is like that until you get used to them being a part of the league

yeah my first time in i wasn’t expecting it... so cool. the topography of pittsburgh is amazing
