
i mean is there a discrepancy between their calls & your physical appearance?


yeah i thought OPs joke was referring to rosie ruiz. that’s why the response said “dont you mean the marathon?”

i disagree. they were both tracking the ball & cooper shoved off, even if it was light. not saying he pushed him hard enough for him to go to the ground, but he did create separation. you can see his arms extend into mitchells back.. and when you’re running that fast with your head turned the opposite direction any

he means black dudes dont have father figures.... yikes

Sorry but this is a bad look on Lonzo. He looked scared & uncertain in these clips. If Patrick fuckking Beverly is in your shit, push him the fuck off of you. Go at him... harder than he goes at you.

Kevin Ware & Shaun Livingston were worse. Paul George was also just as bad.

karma for trying to make his team better? i seriously don’t understand.

because he was defending himself?

no you get pushed that’s assault & he was defending himself. at least in a court of law.

I use the trimmer part of my electric shaver on the neck. It’s not nearly as close as a razor, but it actually feels kind of nice. And I don’t die from 1000 tiny cuts.

Exactly. Why do the rotary ones even exist? They will tear your ass up.

I turn it on from outside the shower as well. But somehow the shower head is aimed right to the outside edge of the tub (where my head is) & blasts me all the fucking time.

Exactly, We ain’t talking about Legos here.


i cant NOT laugh at this gif. no matter how many times i see it

i have 2 children, 1 with autism. we both work & our life is a bitch sometimes. but we love our kids & try not to complain. but my wifes friend just had baby #2, is a stay at home mom, & constantly bitches about every mother fucking thing. it’s annoying as hell, even to us.

men responding with anything sounds like a threat of sexual harassment

exactly, makes sense from close range. but what’s the league average from 54 yards out? dumb move.

and a great point it is! almost like no one’s ever said that before!