actually RBs these days barely make any money. the QBs (even backups), exterior players on the OL & DL, & DBs make all the money.
actually RBs these days barely make any money. the QBs (even backups), exterior players on the OL & DL, & DBs make all the money.
Why the fuck do you even care?
well this response was even worse man. sorry bout ya life.
one is a bolsterous ego-maniac
maybe it’s like that scene in tombstone where johnny ringo is twirling his gun all around in the saloon looking like a total boss & in response, doc holliday starts twirling his tiny tin-handled shot glass all around. great fucking scene in a great fucking movie.
it’s nice when you’re basically forced to parent other peoples kids because they’re lazy ass hats
yeah that shit just blew my mind. he should be dead as fuck
Yeah this one was pretty bad & it involved the fucking CO basically “showing off” for some civilian riders. Fucking clown show.
It wasn’t pointed right at them thought. It was on a perpendicular path with juuussttt the right speed to maintain a constant bearing. Yes, the bearing would stay the same. But as it closed in those fucking tonals would be BLAZING on your screen. But again, I was a sub sonar tech. Still, wouldn’t a destroyer have a…
It would be LOUD.
If you buy this you’re a moron. For the same price you can damn near get a brand new Toyota Sienna that also has AWD. Add a few $K more & get all the bells & whistles. Will it have a Mercedes badge? Fuck no! Why do you need that?
he probably wouldn’t have done that had vince young even put in minimal effort to make it as a starting qb.
no he was terrible. he went 30-16 with the same team that kerry collins led to 10-0 in 2008. those were pretty good teams outside of qb from 2006-2010. his career avg was 150 yards per game with way more turnovers than touchdowns. his completion percentage was like 51%. he was god awful. aside from his play he was the…
the people who schedule meetings anytime from 11-2 are straight up assholes.
um 90's grunge & 90's r&b & 90's rap all beg to differ.
agreed. i must have missed that part where any conservative would support helping anyone other than themselves.
and we can now officially declare John McEnroe owned.
and he still called her the best female tennis player of all time. what else does she want from him?
really? fuck yourself. this had nothing to do with male insecurity. the interviewer asked him a specific question & he answered it honestly. take your indignation & shove it up your ass.
Also, the interviewer was female.