so he should be a rookie for a 4th straight season? solid take.
so he should be a rookie for a 4th straight season? solid take.
except they settled. perhaps a jury would have awarded them more?
well if the sales person isn’t an asshole also he should serve as a bit of a protector between the finance guy & the customer.
but that’s true whether you’re on a bike or a car. i don’t ride bikes but my motto? everyone one on the road IS trying to kill me. which reminds me to be a defensive driver.
i have, it’s fun. but not so much fun that time it was unintentional. only time i ever actually thought i was going to die.
top speed on a carrier is much faster than you think.
On the other hand, fuck you that was hilarious. Fucking goddamn I miss the old NBA. The announcers are asshats but if you’re gonna talk trash then maybe you catch a basketball to the dome?
nah this has been happening since way before 9/11
it’s great how being big is enough justification to get shot. of course, being black while big is the real reason.
are they? i thought the dodgers basically took on a bunch of shit (including his contract) for the privilege of getting gonzales.
but he PLAYED John Dillinger in a shitty gangster flick. he practically HAS to buy that shit.
He has literally won almost every trade he’s ever made. IT for peanuts. The Rondo deal. The Brooklyn deal OMG. And the original KG & Allen deals. All are HUGE wins in his favor.
yeah and as a preds fan all the fuck i hear is bitching from blackhawks fans about the nashville’s ticket policy.
i mean, in their defense, he lost the election
I have to honestly ask why not? He can’t go anywhere else with as much of a ceiling. They can get him without giving up picks. And then they can use those picks to add MORE FUCKING GOOD PLAYERS. They could honestly make an insane team if all parties wanted this to happen. But I think Lebron hates Boston & the Celtics…
still dont get it.
My brother had one of these when I was a kid that he dubbed the “War Wagon” & I have loved them ever since. Of course, his was a piece of shit with a piece of shit camo paint job but still.
i would imagine there is a provision in the contract that would void his purse if he does something like that. mayweather aint taking that chance!
probably not in the 100s but more money on this fight than his entire run in the ufc.
hartford ct may be the last place on my list i’d ever accept a job simply because of i84