
this is because dogs are fucking badass. they won’t let a little thing like losing a limb disrupt their happiness. dogs>humans

yeah fuck that noise. i imagine it’s like driving from denver all the way through kansas, which was fucking hell.

Disagree. Parity isn’t about any team being able to beat any other team at any time. It’s about the rebuilding process. It is damn near impossible to rebuild a shit team in the NBA. You have to land a couple superstars to compete & that is difficult unless you hit on draft picks 2-3 years in a row. Which is damn near

I-90 through Western Washington/Idaho panhandle/Eastern Montana. Fucking gorgeous.

yeah the sonics had green (& yellow) but it was not at all like the mariners/seahwaks. closer to the packers actually.

who cares? it’s 5 years later & it’s still going? dude got way more than $700 worth of use out of that car.

well he hasn’t done it yet

Tradewinds is the absolute best bottled sweet tea. It’s not too sweet but damn it’s so good.

i dont even see how that’s remotely relavent.

12-1 in the playoffs & it wasn’t easy? fuck your ignorant need to defend this shit.

amazing how a team with 2 good offensive players relies on those 2 players to create offense versus a team with 5 good players can rely on those 5 players to create offense. it all comes back to having an shit ton of good offensive players.

Omar comin!

yeah i think that’s the point is that it’s admirable. so danny amendola can shut his little bitch mouth.

gross beer is gross, but good beer is the nectar of the gods. i suggest you branch out from the adjunct lagers. bourbon is a fine drink as well, but not for crazy ass championship locker room celebrations.

hahaha... no

um, the fucking headline?

i hear ya on pekka, but why would it be pks last chance? he’s like 27 & under contract for several more years.

not in nashville

From someone who lives in the South

not a Bills fan but NOTHING is as bad as losing 4 super bowls in a row.