Don’t click! Snakes!
Thanks, I read it. Dubious, I went to Wiki to read about his book, “A Troublesome Inheritance.” Here’s an excerpt from a letter published in the NY Times, by over 139 faculty members in population genetics and evolutionary biology:
Mr. Harriot,
I want to punch Peter Thiel in the dick.
So much for my workday diversion. Jezebel, maybe?
Look, I know it’s uncanny valley as all hell, but the math behind this is incredible. Bipedal motion is dumb and impractical, so to design a controller that not only lets a robot walk on two legs but do flips and shit is no easy task! Especially given how stable it is! Pure madness.
― John Rogers
On Friday, students around the world and concerned citizens from all walks of life took to the streets to demand spec…
I eagerly await the morphing of American Exceptionalism(TM) from “We’re the best!” to “Hey, we’re pretty okay, so why don’t you just lay off?!”
The republicans have to suppress the vote in order to maintain their minority rule. When voter turnout is big, Democrats tend to win. Now with republican cheating and suppression so firmly entrenched, huge turnout is the only way to win. ‘sovereignty’, your implication is, in essence; nationalism. And, if we examine more closely, this: