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Yeah, right-wing ideology is completely bankrupt. All they have left is lies.

Inherent in the ridiculous human condition is the necessity that we continually relearn lessons of the past, the

What an idiot. If it’s all about keeping America great, the logo should obviously be a tiger shouting “We’re GREEEAAAAT!”

I will remind everyone here that forgiveness is something we do when we no longer wish to carry the burden of the wrongs done onto us. When we want to let go of the pain and the hurt that has been inflicted upon us, then we forgive and move on.

I’m not on the Lewis Black level of ranting about the absurdity of American life but he does make me feel like we are twins separated at birth. 

Why do chinless conservative dorks like Miller and Seb Gorka think a goatee makes them look distinguished instead of making their mouth look like a bear’s asshole?

At this point, it’s the only thing about this administration we can rely on. Well, that and lies. Okay, the two things we can rely on are stupidity and lies. And grifting. The three things we can rely on are stupidity, lies, and grifting, and hypocrisy. The four... no, okay, amongst the things we can rely on are such

I used to work in construction and worked on a lot of federal projects (incuding with the Army Corps). Here is my opinion, admittedly based on outdated experience, but I can’t imagine much has changed in less than a decade.

That’s because El Donnie Jefe Drumpfster, his Family, & assorted Cronies were too incompetent to collude/conspire with Russia.

Thank God I have never had a friend or relative post some horrid shit on social media that I ignored or just plain old didn’t see.

Libertarians are just Republicans who like to smoke pot.

I wonder if any libertarians are bothered by the fact that a basically free market, relatively laissez faire media landscape has led to the most highly rated cable “news” channel essentially becoming a propaganda arm for a presidential administration. Like, that apparently what a significant plurality of cable news

This isn’t related to this article, but it’s still important.

OK, for the record . . .

He has never been the smartest person in the room. If he’s alone in a room that has a clock he’s not the smartest person in the room. 

Oh lovely desk dent... You are my only friend, desk dent. You fit my forehead perfectly and more perfectly every time I read a Trump story. Don’t ever leave me desk dent. I don’t think my walls can take it.

Scientists should call the escaping heavy metals something memorable. I suggest “low-orbit condensing nuclear atmosphere remnants” (or LOCNAR for short).