Friend of friends

The only 2 games I associate with the holidays are Super Mario World, because “Santa” brought me an SNES which came with that game. My cousins and I spent the 26th-31st playing that and we beat Bowser about 10 minutes before midnight on NYE.

Westworld season 1 disagrees with you.

Now playing

40 kids? That’s nothing. Xabi Alonso has made 11 professional men look even sillier.

This story is garbage, top to bottom. This playmate should have legal action brought against her. I hope the woman photographed is a badass, says “haven’t you ever seen a naked woman?” and then gets herself a nice settlement just for fun to show these “beautiful people” how shallow they really are.

Look into the Franklin credit union cover up. Senator John DeCamp was building a case against a massive child sex ring that went all the way to the top of our government. He wrote a book about how the case was shut down at every corner by unseen forces regardless of how compelling his evidence was. In this book he