i remember seeing these drive around france. wow, such memories.
i remember seeing these drive around france. wow, such memories.
Not being american, I googled “flat brim hat”. My sunday is now complete.
Make sure you tell em all on facebook and twitter ;)
You’re referring to the chinese, right? If anyone succesfully landed on the moon at some point in time, you an me know it must have been the chinese. The russians crashed somewhere because outdated electronics, the americans never went but created a new tv genre called “reality show”, while the chinese studied them…
Capitalism is not designed for the benefit of the people. It pushes people into comparing themselves to others constantly (the pecking order), and it leads to massive overconsumption, which then leads to poverty, excessiveness, the western world as we currently know it.
The thermal management could prove to be something people consider before buying, I agree with you on that.
So even a used leaf, kia soul ev would fit. That gives you options.
The design is unfortunate. Pictured van resembles a sheep.
Way better looking than f150's and rams, in my opinion.
the right lane is for peasents.
I see that shit in Teslas even. But even before BT was widely adopted, I noticed people talking on the phone in expensive cars...they could afford the car, but not the $5 headset? Always surprised me.
Yeah, I don’t want to share the planet with these degenerates.
It’s a bit bland, wouldn’t you say? Resembles a volkswagen?
Designed by George Costanza, it makes sure the BMW driver, who is the hero in any situation, has a clear path to safety.
One could argu that on a higher level, the whole human race is a false positive.
It’s a psychological thing. The obligation to wear a seatbelt also gave people the wrong impression that they were safer, thus encouraging risky behavior. The human brain is not all that complicated.
they cannot be bothered to brake, blink or behave in a polite way on the road, but they hand wash the car??
Ha, I was gonna say that too! Which prooves that it’s not limited to certain geographics. BMW drivers are asshats, worldwide. (said in a deep voice, accompanied with music, could be a commercial for the BMW politicbureau).
Yep: we start crossing right in front of them, the dead families in the cars behind the automatic breaking ones that are not equipped with this stupidity. Talk about degeneration of a species.
He drives a subaru.