
How does one eat a plate of spaghetti without that thing getting all greasy and disgusting, and getting hairs in your plate from it?

How about mr Trump and his twitter account? Elon, it’s a different story I think?

Citroën has this. Excellent.

Kill radio and cd player and I’m happy.



You are referring to the ETG transmissions that Citroën uses. My first gen Cactus has one and it works, but is not my favorite. In the bigger cars, Citroën replaced them with a “regular” automatic transmission.

Citroën has got you covered!

Money Rover?

Robot man? A Cyborg??! Doom is on us.

I’ve been following this man for a while, and I am impressed with what he is able to do. I’ve picked up some knowledge from his videos, too. 

That...that means space is already polluted! We’re doomed.

It does! 

That first picture seems to show a small hatchback....weird.

Isn’t it cacti?

I am currently still driving my cactus, but I am considering a c4 grand picasso, which is supposed to be comfortable as well. My first gen cactus does nog have the new suspension, and although it is not a hard ride, it is bumpy in cities. 

They opened up an office already, but I believe it is only some ride sharing service for now. 

There is no instant clone button!

you don’t like em or am I missing the point?

That’s why there is Europe. Come and join us in what is, apparently, paradise.