
well, it’s hard for policemen. File a report, or eat another donut? Hmmm so hard.

I owned a 93 merc interceptor, in the Netherlands. Great car, never let me down, bench seat (yes!) anf flashlights and all still in working order. Had a lot of fun and sold it after a year or two.

Would be perfect, except, leather interior. Hippie greenies don’t buy that.


There are companies here that do just that. The scooters are vespa like, but electric, thank the Lord, vespa’s are horrible smelling noisy things. Amsterdam outlawed most older engined scooters, more and more are becoming electric. And there are a lot of ppl riding them, including food delivery and such.

5k€ for a segway, hell, I can buy two decent cars for that. Also, here you’re required to have vehicle insurance for it, wear a helmet and you cannot use the sidewalk. Segways were a great idea, but too expensive and quickly “outlawed”. The only segways you see now are tourist rides.

Fortunately, not everyone cares what another person might think of them.

From a european perspective, I think they make perfect sense, for some. If I were to travel using public transport here in the Netherlands, I would absolutely get one of these. From home to the nearest station is just a little too far to walk every day, and from the station to the workplace would be very inconvenient

They were? So it is not like the mafia, where you cannot retire?

especially the end saying NO VIDEO!!

Hope you have any paint left!

haven’t heard from them in a while....

Why do two people I do not know say welcome all over my dashboard??


Aw man now I have to watch it for the gazillionst time

you might soon be taken to federal prison. One shalt not pass the president’s IQ with 400!

You did not hand deliver the leads to Elon driving an out-specced Tesla, did you now?

Well, to be fair, you will only be really happy when you sell. Until then, it’s just a number.

She didn’t like the special sauce!

If this was medium, I would have clapped. So brave to write this here. You have a star.