
Until you see it in reality. Pictures are way better.

that’s the vodka speaking. Err, driving.

I see you are a beginner. You have obviously not lived in Europe. Go and try Amsterdam or Paris, then come back and rethink what you just wrote, my friend. I wish you well.

he said no fiat.....right?

Elon is a strange dude. He might just have one made for the guy with the tablet on the left if asked nicely.


The dude is not a reptile, you know

Ha I once saw a dude shave while eating a sandwich on the highway.

KITT has two television sets. Two!! And they say we are distracted while driving....

“As seen in Knight Rider”

More than 1 pair of bicycles?

Yeah remember seeing that a while back, wonderful.

I’d roll one. I am a kid in a 45 y/o body.

We call that a Trollblazer.

Can’t it be powered on the beer? That way the customer doesn’t have to suffer through watery beer.

Also, 400 is not really “up to 800". That’s like saying a 5 year old can drive, because he’s “up to 18".

I get the aluminium. But what is up with the “antennae”? Isn’t the aluminium supposed to block all kinds of radiation, including radio frequencies? Just asking.

So drivers of non-american brands that go there are healthier and in better physical condition as they are made to walk, but somehow GM thinks this is smart? Besides that, this sounds incredibly childish.

My dad owned several GS’s and GSA’s. He was quite disappointed when Citroën ditched the sattelites.