Super Sarcasm Man

Boy, this surely doesn’t look like a) it’s worth $40 or b) good for establishing a neutral wrist posture when the MacBook is on a tabletop. The wrists are extended (palms of the hands tilted back and up) and is actually the opposite of what is more “ergonomic.” That picture up top actually shows two suboptimal

Boy, this surely doesn’t look like a) it’s worth $40 or b) good for establishing a neutral wrist posture when the

Sure. Because:

Sure. Because:

You missed the worst one:

I’m hoping this leads to a two-year blackout period of hookers, blow, and random “Is that A-A Ron?” late-night Milwaukee bar appearances for Rodgers.

Trying to weaponize a mysterious alien race is one thing. Reducing their origins to “They were a biological weapon...” is boring.

or maybe it was just a comedy movie about ghosts that didnt need an entire franchise, and was good originally mostly thanks to good writing and a cast of really good actors, that are now way too old to do it any more?

You are assuming that people will not click on the blatantly obvious fake ads or downloads for flash player which ends up being a virus. I’m a systems admin and deal with the removal of viruses constantly.

See I always imagined Easter as a voluptuous woman, full of fertility and bounty. Christina Hendricks, Adele, Aidy Bryant, etc. She’s supposed to be surrounded with food for gods’ sake, let her EAT some of it!

She’s by far the worst bit of casting in this, but I’m still looking forward to it. Her voice is like nails on a chalk board.

Ghost in the Machine was a pretty great Police album. I didn’t know it was a book.

i invited you. you had your chance. and now you’re sitting there writing passive aggressive blogs. we had a great time eating sheep dick and ram eyes on the rim of a frozen volcano that smelled like hellpoop! i’ve never seen so many “j’s” and “k’s” in my life! there was a man playing an instrument with strings that

what are the odds that Thanos still appears in the post-credits scene?

Well, as a Native American, I can tell you that any person of color has to work twice as hard to be as successful as a mediocre white person who barely even tries.

George Lopez is a crap comedian I get what the joke was trying to do it was just lame. It’s the everyday misogyny that woc have to endure that bother’s me about Lopez.

These are pretty much useless crap, outside of the belt which could be useful in a pinch.

Hell. It’s from Hell.

Love it! Let's be offended by EVERYTHING!

If you're un-ironically wearing sweaters your grandma gave you in the 80s, shoulder bumps are the least of your knit fabric worries. You will apparently be surprised to find out that clothing manufacturers are indeed still producing sweaters, which people are still buying and even wearing.