Super Sarcasm Man

No. Arcane is.

I don’t think anybody doubts the why. It was the crassness of the execution that was the problem.


That’s not a pun.

It’s also like $8 on iTunes, which means you can avoid having to store the damn thing after you rip it.

It’s also like $8 on iTunes, which means you can avoid having to store the damn thing after you rip it.

Sadly, I actually do work with my computers rather than just playing around. It’s part of being a productive member of society.

Sadly, I actually do work with my computers rather than just playing around. It’s part of being a productive member

MacBook Airs are antiques. We’ve moved on. We also use Unix, which is a better option than Windows.

MacBook Airs are antiques. We’ve moved on. We also use Unix, which is a better option than Windows.

That one line really destroyed a reasonable ending. It makes the film almost unwatchable to me. Just a level of crassness that I can’t indulge.

Really? LIFE CHANGING? Really? I met a girl and fell in love. Jackeed her up and now there’s a little Super Sarcasm Baby. That was life changing. I hope you’re that lucky one day so you can really learn what those words mean.

How the t(-.-t) this article about Chris Pratt’s shitty opinions became an argument about Zunes vs. iPods is amazing to me. Someone with actual knowledge needs to psychoanalyze this entire thread.

What would you like him to be like? A dude blowing down on your cock or something?

So you’re entitled to take up as much space as you want because you have kids and the problem was the person walking alone?

They also won their championships in significantly more competitive environments—Villeneuve’s a decent driver obvs but let’s not pretend he didn’t trade on a name into a dominant ride. The car won the championship—he was just in the right seat at the right time, as evidenced by his later career.

I suspect the reality here is that BMW’s are no longer “built for drivers.” They’ve moved so far up market into luxury territory and people just don’t want to it goes.

People weren’t collecting Terminator statues after the first film ether...second one turned that into thing.


I always thought of you as an Arthurian Gangbang Cumslut, but I can adapt.

Nice to know you measure your self worth on such shallow terms!

You t(-.-t) people can milk an article out of anything, can’t you?