Super Sarcasm Man

The overratednesss of Bill Maher never ceases to amaze me really—it’s been that way for a long time. He’s not really *funny* and he’s not really *smart* he just hides behind a façade of sarcasm and a snear.

The overratednesss of Bill Maher never ceases to amaze me really—it’s been that way for a long time. He’s not really *funny* and he’s not really *smart* he just hides behind a façade of sarcasm and a snear.

You take that back.

There was that time my friends and I killed a man in Denver. He was homeless, but still.

If by “racist boycott” you mean “my face buried between her thighs” then yes! Yes!

Yeah! It’s a good thing they’re not worried about, you know, safety because it means they get to use matching buckles!

Yawn. A bunch of fat dudes sitting around on a couch and suddenly its news. Really?

It’s a general statement of principle not one that’s addressed at anyone specifically of any one group.

You’re right. No one should ever consider an original take on any story or idea.

I get a little tired of the LGBTQ community defining everything in relation to being LGBTQ. Bert & Ernie aren’t gay. They’re T(-.-T) MUPPETS. It’s not as if there are other Muppet couples banging away on screen. THEY’RE NOT GAY THEY’RE MUPPETS

Long Trenchcoat, Sunglasses, Paper Bag with a micky of Vodka

Wait, what? Batman was a heir to wealthy parents who were murdered? WTF io9??? That deserves a spoiler warning.

I feel like the expectation of blind fealty to source material kills many good adaptations.

Matrix Reloaded gets unfairly maligned I think. It’s pretty solid.

Wait, what the t(-.-t)? Batman’s parents were murdered? I HAD NO IDEA.

“Black Sheep” of theStar Trek universe

Not George. He’s pretty much crap according to everyone.

Nope. B&W P5s. 3s for portability.

Nope. B&W P5s. 3s for portability.