
Love Neal Stephenson. Have you read Seveneves?

You know what, he doesn’t ruin this one because of the brevity....may very well ruin the others, so don’t let that hold you back. :)

Old school Real World was sooooo good. He’s really nice, my husband and him man crush on each other about biking. It’s really cute. He’s still hot, fyi.

Ohhh you’re right. But Sean and Jason were on the same season, I remember this much. I had a HUGE crush on him at age 14. Gotta say...he’s still hot and very nice.

I came here to say that ‘Jason’ from that season with Sean and Rachel, is my neighbor and he is a really chill dude. Gotta ask him his opinion on these fools.

“The work of white men building new worlds based on their craziest dreams continues.”

I just don’t understand why the laws we have always seem to protect abusive men and railroad women and children. We all hear these stories, raise hell and then they do the right thing, some of the time. Do the right thing from the start.

Is Belle the original Manic Pixie Dream Girl????

Have you read all of the books? I really enjoyed the first one but struggled to get through Dragonfly. I don’t know why but I’m rooting for the show. I love Ron Moore, I feel like he has elevated the material somewhat from some of the more Harlequin aspects of the first book.

Yeah, exactly! They said nothing, they just started following us, and super close to us as well, practically on our heels.

I disagree because there was a “gotcha” quality about that line, as though they were doing the exact opposite thing he wanted, and the look of surprise on Spike’s face.

Will they have to recast at some point? I haven’t read anything past the Dragonfly in Amber book...and I half read that.

I think that the phraseology there is purposely ambiguous to build a cliff hanger, which is standard procedure for a season finale.

Yes, I think it’s the mystery aspect you mentioned. Also, she holds a special place in people’s hearts because she wasn’t just an adventurer, but a person living outside of society’s expectations of what a woman could accomplish in her time. I think that there is an obsession about the way in which she perished

I knowwwwwww, crazy. My dad went there as well, but years before them, so I grew up watching Duncan’s team.

Yessssss, thank you! I still get mad about that. Remember how bad the past two years were for her? She gets caught sleeping with Spike by her ex, who brings his hot wife to town, she works at a fast food place, in the previous season she DIED, and had to deal with the torment of being ripped from a heaven-verse, then

I’m still laughing about it. The nod to erectile disfunction, how she tries to make him feel better about it.

I have a feeling the writers left it openly ambiguous so that it could go either way. They do that sometimes when they aren’t ultimately sure where an arc is going. Ultimately, the resolution is that it was for his soul. I had to look it up myself a few years ago, after watching that episode, because I needed clarity

That’s pretty accurate.

Amazing. Lol