For the record, hated the rape scene. Just dreadful.
For the record, hated the rape scene. Just dreadful.
That was a really good episode. I haven’t done a rewatch in a long time but I remember it being excellent.
Ummmm, just realized your icon is Captain Janeway. I was also in high school for Buffy and called my BFF on a landline after every episode to discuss. Also Battlestar is my favorite show of all time. Excellent tv choices, my friend. Excellent.
Lol, me tooooo! Adam. His stupid voice. He was cliche and terrible and his teeth really bothered me. So bad. Really, the worst season finale battle as well, when they all join powers to fight him, and Xander is the “heart.”
So, I could be wrong, but I think the writers left that episode ending ambiguous on purpose, when they are like, “aha, a soul for you” at the very end you’re supposed to think: was that his intention the whole time? Or did he go there to get his chip removed and this is a trick punishment from the higher being…
I agree with everything you just typed. His material was pretty stupid. Eye candy, tho. My other friend was also in the pick up game and I love bringing it up at random events like, hey, tell me more about Marc Bluuuuucas, because I’m probably the only person who cares about Blucas tidbits. Best, silliest, name ever.
My husband, who never watched Buffy, used to play basketball with Marc Blucas, (Riley), at a pick up game. He said he was the nicest guy ever, and an absolute beast on the court, playing a bunch of tiny Los Angeles executive types, it must have been funny to see. He runs into my husband every now and then and always…
Considering her Brazilian Butt Lift, this is especially annoying.
Mildly related. So I was home visiting my mom in Maryland last week. I’m in the passenger’s seat and I look to my right as a car roles up to the red light. The driver is on her phone, scrolling with her thumb, the left hand at the wheel. I was a little alarmed the she pulled up with her eyes on the screen but seeing…
This is Maria was my favorite one. Hoping that submission is a true story. I especially like any story shared by people of experiences with the recently passed in dreams or otherwise.
A man who dresses as a clown lives a block away from my house. I’ve seen him go into this apartment complex. He walks around the neighborhood, in clown garb, swinging an orange bucket. It’s truly bizarre. He could be a working clown, or maybe mentally ill, in which case I have lots o sympathy for him, but when I see…
Highly recommend it! If you can find a way to do it, go! I’m always trying to find a way back to living there.
Creepy, real life story, in the woods:
Also an Atheist. The night my grandfather passed away, my dad and his brother had the same dream. Grandad came to them that night, in their bedrooms. He was sitting in a chair across from their bed, with his legs crossed. He said, “Son, everything is going to be ok,” in his deep, gravelly drawl.
I’m so glad you’re ok and nothing happened to you. That is a frightening story. When I was single I remember being in many a situation like this of not knowing the guy that well and wondering if I was safe, it’s a terrible feeling.
My favorite so far. :) Lived in Scotland for 3 years, in a house from the 1800's, used to always hear things when I ran the hair dryer or looked over balcony, like someone coming up the stairs when no one was home.