I really don’t get why he would even consider it, she already did her time and I don’t think it hurt her career in any way.
I really don’t get why he would even consider it, she already did her time and I don’t think it hurt her career in any way.
Id love to see her be like “I did my crime, I served my time. I take responsibility for it.”
I think she has enough backbone that she just might.
The blanket!
I’m pissed that the reboot did Jackie so wrong and I’m pissed at Barr for her BS overshadowing the entire project so that no one is discussing the strengths/weaknesses of THE SHOW.
Bev (Jackie and Roseanne’s Mom) was also perfect.
I counter that with the jar of pickled eggs in the pantry, just sitting there, quietly, like a sentry...
Thank you for this brief but entertaining journey.
Well, didn’t one GOPer state that porn is what’s causing the school shootings? Like, really????????? Porn????????
I’m honestly surprised that either blood or oil didn’t drip out of those ducts.
A documentary from the PBS program “Frontline” said that the federal government has actually released some of the minors to human traffickers. As Sen. Portman told Frontline, “We’ve got these kids. They’re here. They’re living on our soil. And for us to just, you know, assume someone else is going to take care of them…
Again, the hypocrisy of the Trump loving “Christian Right”, which considers pregnancy termination murder, but will merely shrug about this cruelty happening to actual children and their actual people families.
I’m confused as to why President Obama would have wanted to intervene against ISIS, I mean, Barrack Obama founded ISIS. That’s what Trump told us (more than once).
Wait, wait, wait. So this guy thinks the US government is hyper-competent to the point of being able to orchestrate a huge, complex false flag operation and cover it up...
Well, at least this gif exists.
Whenever I see a male celebrity who I like trending on social media, I hope it’s nothing too bad and they’ve just died.
I can’t not read these quotes without my brain using Morgan Freeman’s voice.