Supernats Freesties

I say mosquitoes are worse than bees, unless one is deathly allergic to bee stings. Mosquitoes are practically invisible and as soon as it gets warm, they are everywhere. Go outside with some skin exposed and you might as well just jump into a poison ivy thicket.

Jason, that lady was your second-grade teacher. Even though teaching left her emotionally drained and penniless to the point where she had to hitchhike to Vegas and get a job working the cash register at a casino to support herself and find inner peace, at least she consoled herself with the thought that, “At least I

I have trouble feeling sorry for him. Not because the story isn’t sad and infuriating. I just have empathy issues.

I have a similar issue with birthdays. Specifically I will somehow get a wrong day of month in my head, and eternally fail to remember which is the right one and which is wrong.

I was thinking Trainspotting.

Yes! I've always believed, don't be afraid of what people think of you, because they're not—-They're thinking of themselves.

This is pretty much always true, not just at weddings.

The best case scenario is if ManU does get 4th place, upping Van Gaal’s buyout fee, but loses in the qualifying round to a tiny club.

‘O Canada’, Guard Won’t Stand On Thee

By ignoring Canada,Wade joins a club with about 8 billion members.

Red Sox slugger David Ortiz will be receiving gifts from MLB teams for his farewell season—the funniest outcome would be the Yankees giving him nothing

Yep, which leads into empathy, allowing one to take every experience as an opportunity for learning something new or appreciating a different perspective, rather than immediately getting defensive and shutting down emotionally.

Slightly off topic: anyone else catch Kiper say something along the lines of “If he had stayed for his senior year, he’d come out a much better player,” after Eli Apple was drafted? My fucking mouth dropped. Besides the suggestion that a kid who was drafted 10th overall would somehow benefit staying in college, that

I thought Tunsil handled himself very well in the interviews he did after the draft. He didn’t lie or try to deny anything. He didn’t get angry or try to blame someone else. He didn’t even seem bitter or upset that he probably lost several million dollars. He admitted it was him, said it was mistake, said he was happy

I just want people to admit that they wouldn’t care if it were the Jaguars.

Get that hate out of your heart, Billy; that run was not clumsy at all.

30 year olds pretending to be 17? Mark Sanchez has finally found a loophole.

There’s no way he succinctly communicated an idea in a single paragraph.

I heard Stephen sat out because he thought it would be in poor taste to rain 3s on Houston tonight.

moar like kevin durant gonna be a fucking wizard amirite