Better idea:
Better idea:
“OK sure, what’s the worst that could happen?”
It doesn’t even show up in the Podcasts app, unfortunately.
“OK, now who wants it to be the white Anglo-Saxon Protestant Man of the year?”
What I think is complicated, I admit, and not entirely clear even to me.
In difficult times such as these, it’s nice to see Americans go back to the one unifying, unambiguously good past-time that has lasted them for over 240 years: kicking the shit out of the Irish.
The Warriors ran the Mavericks 116-95 in Oakland last night, but way more interesting and important were Golden…
Is this “Let’s forget some guys!”
I think his best work was when he went as Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. That took commitment.
Her name is Melania, don’t be rude.
“No it’s in dog years. His age only goes up every 7 years.” - An idiot named Ryan
Easy Barry, the dog is just self conscious about its age. My ex has been 29 for the past 3 years. It’s a thing we indulge because we are nice people. It is like how my roommate’s parents lie about how many years they’ve been married so he doesn’t know he was born a bastard.
The real problem is why, exactly, is the NFL handing out suspensions for off field criminal activity in the first place, as if they are some stand in judge and jury for when a case slips through the cracks legal system? The problem is that it establishes the totally ludicrous scenario where the NFL and the public have…
It’s like the Boist St. tacklers were invisible or something.
the mighty centrist god Entitlement Cut
I wish I had to worry about a Big Endowment.
Seems like. If you’re 7' tall, your hand is starting from a much higher spot than somebody that’s, say, 6'4". The arc needs to have a higher peak to avoid being too flat, but with likely bigger hands, it’s harder to get a good spin off the fingers. A normal-sized person could probably simulate this shooting an 8" ball…
See, I’m sure it’s informative, but then I’d have to listen to Malcolm fucking Gladwell.